Thursday, March 31, 2005

Getting there from here

Tons of little bits last seemed like an endless night of dreams...but now I can't remember anything except for...

I was helping a friend of S's. We were at a hospital (which was actually decorated like my dream Rand, go figure), and she needed help figuring out how to get to work. Work seems to have been the hospital, but we were looking at a map that showed her home and the hospital. The map was a fair size with a big blue road marked out that was the main "highway" that went to the hospital. There was a river too, that had to be crossed at a bridge. Y needed to find a way to get a ride from her house to the bus, which followed the blue line, but also would avoid the traffic on the blue line. I knew that if I got her a ride to the blue line she'd be set, and I was pretty sure I could find someone to help her out.

Notes: Hospital - helping in the hospital means surprising news!
Helping - means just that, helping someone, or else it means that I'll suceed without any help
Maps - journies and changes, the bigger the map, the bigger the change, and the more colorful the happier it'll be

For some reason I suspect that Y was actually S. I can't prove it, of course, but there's no reason that I'd be helping Y out at all, she's quite capable and a nice lady. And every portent I've had lately says "surprising news". Heck, at this point, it's not even a surprise anymore!! :-)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Food, glorious food!

Busy night last night, but there seemed to be a common theme going on -- food!

The first one I remember involved living in the future. I mean it was a Jetsons-like future, all automatic this and robotic that. The house was on the ground floor, but again, very Jetsons-like, rounded wall with open windows all around. The house was all in white and I was in the dining room. There were people at the table, but I’m not sure who they were. They were all eating fish, whole fish, of some sort. Big fish too! They showed me where they’d come from – under our feet! The floor was ice, perfect, clear ice, and though the ice I could see the same big fish as were on the table, all swimming around. They were in packages though, with tags on them. I remember thinking how neat it was and what work it must have taken to grow fish in packages like that. I know, it’s bizarre. There was a hole in the floor too, which is where the fish had come from.

Notes: Ice on clear water – overcome opposition, hole in the ice – fears are groundless, the future – an unexpected life change, fish swimming – personal wealth and power, food fish of strange species – increase in social activity and prestige

The next one didn't have any food it.

In this one it was the past, not the future. It was a Victorian time, and I was in a new house of some sort. It was a big house too with grounds and all that stuff. I had my family with me, and by my family I mean some group of people who I’m not at all sure who they were. It’s possible that my wife was the blonde who’s been showing up off and on. I know that I had a boy (or two they were like twins, around 8-ish maybe) and there was a beautiful girl, she was maybe 15 or so with long brown hair.

So there I was with my family, in my high collar and black vest, and there were people at the gate. They were like peasants or something, and there seemed to be something “wrong” with them. I’m not sure what, nothing I could put my finger on that’s for sure. So I opened the gate and they gave me a set of keys to open the “Jesus hole” on the property. They key fob was a gnarled hand, which strangely enough I took without hesitation or reservation. It was even warm.

We went to this shed (it was a beautiful sunny summer’s day, but not hot, and the shed was in the garden, which was filled with trees and grass all in July perfection). The Jesus hole was underneath this big black iron door, which was cast with all of these strange designs and shapes in it. I used the keys I’d been given to unlock four locks on the corners, but I knew it’d be dark inside, so I sent someone (it was either my daughter or my wife, or both) to get a lantern so we could see. After I twisted open the locks I pushed the door slightly aside and then was waiting for the lantern before I opened it the rest of the way.

Notes: Jesus – fortitude and consolation in adversity, lantern – this can actually mean sex (if you can believe it) also unexpected wealth and fortunate dealings, iron – strength and steady advancement, gnarled hand – easement of financial worries, keys – given keys means help from influential friends, historical - can be an omen to be ready for a forutnate change in circumstances in the near future

The last one (well that I remember anyway) involved a reception. I was going into a room, a big ballroom of some sort, filled with tables that were covered with the most lavish and beautiful food! It was for a huge reception, and for some reason I associate the place with my dream Rand, though I can’t say why. I was with a party again, there were several of us, though I’m not sure who anyone else was. We took a big table, near the long long line of white cloth covered food tables. And then I went and *pigged right out*! Man I ate like a fiend! It was all so good, but I don’t remember the taste of anything, just the eating. And no matter how much I ate, I could always eat more.

I remember late in the dream that someone said something about saving some for later, so I did. I stuffed some food into a ziploc and set it aside. My sister was there with me, but it wasn’t my sister. Then I spotted these little cakes. They were exactly what I wanted. I started eating them off the platter (they were bite sized) and while I knew they were lemon, I didn’t actually taste them.

Notes: Reception – recognition for efforts and work, cake – satisfaction in business and personal affairs and eating it is especially lucky, food – an auspicious omen often related to emotional affairs or love, food can be fulfilment, bag – a full bag (as it was in this case) can be an omen of fulfilment of most heartfelt wishes

I know there were other dreams too, but I don’t remember anything there. The only images I hold with me are those of food and eating. It’s no wonder I woke up hungry this morning! Or maybe it’s a surprise I still had a pillow... :-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The end of the world as we know it…

The world was coming to an end.

There was some sort of invasion going on, aliens in the “War of the Worlds” vein were arriving and blowing things to Hell. I was in Toronto, alone, and watching clouds of smoke rising on the horizon that indicated where the aliens were supposedly. I never did see an alien or even an alien ship though. I was in my old neighbourhood, near dad’s place, but higher, like I was on a hillside and watching the plumes of black smoke.

Then everyone was fleeing, they were all scared and fleeing underground for protection against the aliens. Apparently the aliens wouldn’t go underground. Claustrophobic maybe. Anyway, I was going underground with them as well, but now E was with me too. We were in these massive tunnel/cave areas, but with houses and stuff in them as well, and all really well lit too. The two of us were going somewhere, though I’m not sure where, and we were laughing and talking and having a great time, despite the fact that the world was ending around us and everyone else was gloom, fear and despair. We might have been holding hands at one point, but I’m not sure.

I remember us going through a narrow doorway (well narrow in that it was probably 30 feet wide, but taken up by armoured cars going the same direction as we were). I went through first, and E was right behind me. When I got through there was this fleet of armoured cars, a convoy of them, all (I somehow knew) filled with money. It was the wealth of the outside world all being moved underground, and it was all going where we were headed. Hmmmm, too bad we couldn’t have hitched a ride with the cars, instead of walking like we were….oh well, they were backed up there were so many of them (I mean *hundreds*). And in the distance there was a shining light, a bright shining light.

It was the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel".

Monday, March 28, 2005

The search for intelligence

Bits and fragments again last night...not much remembered except --

I was in a library. I think it was a library at my dream-Rand. It actually looked at lot like the central library in downtown Regina, but then again, I always found it to look like an "archtypal" library anyway, so maybe I was in the library, if you know what I mean...

So, anyhow, here I was in this library and I was looking for a job. I was going through some sort of listings for new jobs, and then, somehow I'd applied to one. I was sitting there with collegue J? (could be) or maybe it was the mystery blonde (who isn't such a mystery). There was some sort of issue about what the job was categorized as. I was sitting near the clipping files, I remember that. And I was going through the stacks of job listings. The issue was that I am a "3", and the job I applied to was as an Intelligence Analyst and what level was it? Someone said it was like a "P something 3", someone else said, no it was a "1". They seemed to think that because I'm a "3" I had to be a "3" again, even in a different classification.

Well, finally I found the page, and there it was. It was an "IA2". Oh well, I thought, it's different from what I am, so therefor I can be a "2" there, and a "3" here. I even remember telling someone I could flip back and forth if I wanted to, that it was really no big deal.

I have a feeling this was seriously job related...In fact I'd seen an Intelligence Analyst show up in the listings...wonder if that means I should be applying? I've always liked the idea of being that sort of analyst....I think it sounds neat! Well, we'll see if the job's even still open....

Sunday, March 27, 2005

How many days now?

All quiet on the western front.

Another night of scattered fragments that don't stay and are gone with the coming of the sun (or in today's case son). So nothing to report again, not even a fragmentary vision or image. Just nothing remembered.

So how many days is this now?

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Investigation, again

Bits and snatches again last night...the largest portion of which that I remember involved some sort of investigation (again). This time there was something going on at work, though it wasn't work, it was more like my university campus, or that Rand of my dreams. We'd somehow captured the one who was causing all the trouble, but she'd come quietly and all was well. I had a gun (a small one, hidden in a pocket) in case she got out of hand. I remember walking to another building with my collegue J. I don't really remember much (if anything) else.

I'm not sure what the investigator label means. It's shown up lots lately, and I can't say for sure why. Is it because I'm supposed to be investigating something? Figuring something out? *shrug* Something I guess I'll need to think about for a while I guess....I'll report back if I get any answers....

Friday, March 25, 2005

Bits and snatches yet again

Nothing big...certainly nothing much remembered....

There were two fragments. In one, I was at a party of some sort, with A. We were there together, and maybe it was a birthday party, but I don't think so. Anyway, I was given a book, a book about the Mexian American war (something I've been reading about off and on lately), and it was filled with really nice pictures of Mexican soldiers in uniform (somthing I've not seem much of), so I was really happy to get it. The only other things I remember, were that Alex was really really happy, and we seemed to be in some sort of California adobe, but a modern one.

The second invovled me as a detective of some sort. I was investigating something, I suspect it was a murder, and it involved S. It was like I was trying to find her. I was with my partner (a generic male cop partner) and we were searching in bags of toys and the like in a garage. There was a pickup truck there too. I think the house was owned by an Indian (India Indian) couple. It might have been in Vancouver. It was grey and cloudy outside, and as my partner and I were leaving, the lady of the house said something suspicious, though what, I don't remember. And I'm not even convinced that there was any connection to S's disappearance. (and I'm equally not sure what this has to do with the planned Vancouver trip which fills me with dread for no apparent reason...)

Hear me o voice of fate...if you can fill in some details, I sure as heck wouldn't mind....

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Cut and connected

Little remembered from last night, which isn't surprising considering I slept like the dead! But what I do remember was walking in a field. Well, at the edge of a field. It was spring, like now, melting snow and matted grass all over, and the field was beside a busy roadway. This wasn't just any roadway or some "metaphor for your lifetime" roadway. No this was Steeles Ave in Toronto. Steeles and Warden to be precise. But not even Steeles and Warden as it is now, but rather as it was, when I was a teenager and dad used to go that way to work. So I was walking along a path at the side of the road, and talking to someone (a couple of someones actually, I think they were both women, one may even have been E's older sister) and I was telling them (sarcastically I hope) that I couldn't wear a miniskirt, since I didn't own one and I didn't think it'd suit me anyway.

Then I, somewhere, I'm not sure where...the background was a bit hazy. And someone was with me, but I'm not sure who...they were a bit hazy too. I was wearing my nice white cable knit sweater and I saw how long my hair was. I mean *real* long. So I was going to cut it myself, but then these helpful hands from the other person came along and started cutting it for me. They did a really good job. While they did this, I was on the phone with E, talking to her and laughing and having a great time like I always do.

And that's it, that's all I remember....

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

How many sisters?

When this one started last night, I was already swimming. I was swimming for fair, going great guns, headed to a destination. But I wasn't in water. I was swimming along a highway, or a roadway (empty of cars at least). There were farm fields on either side of me, and I was giving some sort of running commentary about my voyage. I remember saying that I was lucky that my allergies weren't acting up because of all the farm fields (though I'm not allergic in reality), and I pointed out a silo full of hay? grain? on my left and said "And I'm definately not going in there!"

Then I got to where I was going, which turned out to be Montreal, but the swim was far shorter than I'd expected it to be. I don't particularly like Montreal, and I remember thinking "Crap, I don't like going to Montreal..." but I was there, and that was that. I was wearing a tiny little speedo which was printed like a Canadian flag, and I was a bit concerned about how "exposed" I was, but no one seemed to care, and I thought "oh well, I'm not going to worry either" so I didn't. I went into this bar or something like that and as I wandered the halls, I could see it was like a clinic or health spa. There were people in the various rooms all getting treatements or massages or something like that. I was now wearing a white lab coat over my speedo.

I got to the end of the hallway and turned back, which took me to a common room of some sort, where I met these two girls. One turned out to be E's older sister (older sister? E's the oldest!). She came with me as I went somewhere, and then we were in a car, or had a car, and the car had a mattress in the trunk. The matteress was for E's younger sister En. We were at some sort of bar/club whatever, just outside the washrooms. Everything was decorated with dark blue tiles. Oh and I was now dressed normally. E's older sister (who didn't have a name, btw) told me to call En and tell her about the mattress/bed for her, and then went into the men's bathroom. She didn't seem to have an issue with that either.

So I started looking for a phone. I looked under the saloon-style doors into the ladies to see if there was a phone in there. Nope. And ther was a woman in there, who was talking to someone. So I didn't go in. But then I spotted the phone on the wall, so I picked it up and dialed En's number. She wasn't there so I got her machine, but the voice on the machine was E. It was a message E had left for En. When I got the beep, I left my message, explaining who I was (I've not physically met En nor even spoken to her though I did hear a message from her on E's voice mail once) and that I had this matteress for her (which I somehow knew she'd be quite happy about). And even while I was leaving the message, I knew that En and E were both listening to the message, though pretending they weren't there.

And that was that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Ghosts and ghosts

Two of was three, but the first had been forgotten but muscled its way in first thing one waking up, displacing the last back down to two.

First up, I was taking A to find a daycare. J was with me, but wasn't *connected* iykwim, she was just sorta along for the ride. We went to the place, a big house on a dark street (and it was night). In the basement there were all these kids playing hockey and A happily joined in with them. Then the game ended and it was time for everyone to go home.

Next thing I knew, J and I were alone in a room that was sparsely furnished, but all in antiques. The whole room was creepy. We were waiting for someone. On the table there I saw a bicorn hat, but it was sorta "disassembled". I picked it up and tried it on, then J suggested I assemble it and put it on that way. So I did, and when I did it became more of a "ship-shaped" hat, now in white wicker rather than black felt. There was an old mirror there, so I looked at myself in it, and at first, I couldn't see me! I didn't appear! I thought the mirror was haunted. Then I shuffled to the side and there I was. But as I watched, I saw another me, this one wearing a naval uniform that was torn, or somehow not right, stepping down from a pulpit. I/he'd just appeared there, took the steps and disappeared! It was a ghost, who looked just like me. I asked J if she'd seen it, but no, she hadn't.

Then whoever it was we were waiting for was coming, so I quickly closed up the hat and tried to put it back where it was. Now it folded closed into a box....

The next one started with two uniformed soldiers on a deserted surbuban street. They were in combat fategues and going from their Bradley AVF toward another one. The other one was deserted and the soldiers were unarmed. They got to the second Bradley, and now I became one of the soldiers. I was junior to the other one, who was a black lady. She was working on the Bradley, trying to get it running.

I started getting nervious in the neighbourhood, and she was too. I asked her about getting our sidearms, and before I'd finished asking she agreed. I dug out the guns (though I don't remember this part, we just suddenly had them) and she strapped hers on.

Then it was like watching a movie on fast forward. Something happened, shooting started (she started it), and in the end I saw both of them hanging upside down, dead.

Suddenly it was back to normal, and I was just strapping on my gun. It was like I was getting a "second chance" or a "second viewing" or something. Like the first was *her* choice, and this one was *my* choice. So I strapped on the gun and urged her to keep working, slowly and carefully and I was going to do everything I could to not start shooting. Because I knew that if I was the one to start it, I wouldn't be the one to end it, but if I could avoid starting it, no one else would either.

And that's all I remember....

Monday, March 21, 2005

In Convenience

I don't remember much about last night...but I do remember working in a convenience store. I was working with my old collegue R at some sort of a Mac's Milk type establishment. Then somehow he was going out for a smoke or something (yeah, that sounds like him) and I was left alone in the store. But while I was there, it was like someone was trying to break in. So I went to close the door, but it fell off the hinges. I ended up holding the door up to try and get it closed and keep those thieves out, but they weren't very ambitious thieves, since they were just sitting out in the parking lot pretty much ignoring the store.

So is this a paranoid work dream, that says I'm thinking that everyone is after me when no one really is? Or is it that I'm trying to hold back a flood that's never going to come? Or is it that I'm trying to keep everyone out, and failing, but it's okay, because they're not really out to get me after all?

Actually, I'm thinking that last sounds most likely really. All my Khi's lately are telling me to "open up" and "be the real me with others who'll appreciate me" and that sort of thing. Hmmmmmm.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Fragments of shadows

I have vague recollections of images from last night, but nothing firm, nothing memorable. Even this moring, when I fell back to sleep for an hour, I was unplagued by dreams. And that time of the morning is usually quite eventful dream-wise.

So sorry, nothing to report.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Watch your hat and coat

Strange strange night last night.

Another work dream that I don't for a second believe was a work dream. In this one, I was at the office, with A and I was in my trenchcoat and fedora, A was in his winter coat. The office was nothing like the office, more like a bank or something, and probably what a cartoon of a bank would have been like in the 30's. I remember red plush carpet and white walls.

I took off our coats and hung them up on pegs on the wall with a bunch of other people's coats. Then I went to my DG's office and waited to get in to see him. I'm not sure why I was supposed to see him, but I was. I was outside his office, at the secretary's desk, and I could see through the open double doors that he was in there doing something. But then as he came to the end of whatever it was, someone else slinked past the secretary's desk and got to see him first! Didn't matter that I'd been waiting, they got in first. The woman gave me a wink and that was that, I was bumped.

I was going to leave, but then I couldn't find our coats, they were gone, my hat too. I was really perplexed, who would steal our coats, especially A's? Then I realized I didn't need a coat, because I was outside, and it was nice and warm and sunny. I was in a short sleeved shirt and walking along a pathway. It was downright tropical, and I know there was a beach over that way. I rounded a corner and was then in a Volkswagon bug (an original too!). That mystery woman offered to let me drive, but I said no, that was okay, I wasn't the macho sort who insisted on driving, my lady could drive just as well.

Then suddenly she was topless, and I think I was too. I couldn't see her breasts, but as she turned, I could. Then all was back to normal, and I think she was in a tank top or something. We were driving through that part of LA where Venice turns into Marina Del Rey, with those funky little shops and artwork on the walls and stuff. She was driving the car, and I heard a voice calling my name. I looked and it was my ex, J. She'd seen us go by and was running up to see me. I asked the mystery girl to stop because I thought A "should be able to see his mother". (exact words btw)

I really do think that the loss of the coat, etc is all about me opening up, letting the vulnerabilities show. But of course, I could be wrong. As to the rest of it? I'm not at all sure.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Four Fragments

Well, the title says it all, doesn't it?

All I remember is something about A's ride-in car and the fact that "he has a choice" too.

I was going to a resort near here. Okay, resort is maybe a bit strong a term. It was like a ranch or something, and I was going because of work. I even had one of the managers at work in the car with me, I was driving him to the ranch. But it was a British drive car, since he was where the driver would normally be and I was where the passenger would, but as I say, I was driving. It was fall, turning cold and all the trees were bare.
We passed a landmark and he said to me "only ten minutes or so now, eh?"
I replied "More like 45 minutes" which I thought was actually conservative. But then *ping* there it was. Just around the corner. We got there much faster than I'd expected.

The ranch itself was very rustic. All rough wood with fire heating and the like. Quite quaint in it's own way. And I'd been there before, because I knew all the procedures for checking in. It was like one of those "work while you stay" places. I was sitting in the kitchen talking to the lady that ran the place. I think she was telling me about what I could have for supper, since there weren't many supplies. There was someone else there too, but all pretense of work was gone. I think it was the girl, the one I'd been seeing before, the unidentified lady.

This one was a story, something about a modern "abandoned child of royalty" thing. It kept flitting back and forth between a Victorian period "when this sort of thing was common" and now, when it supposedly is not. There was something going on about someone now who was actually a child of royalty but didn't know it, nor did anyone else, since it had been kept so secret. But now the secret was out and someone was after them. (I'm not sure about the "after them" part...the writer in me may have added that bit)

Which segues nicely into
I was in a public bathroom, and had just finished doing whatever I'd been doing...I think it was peeing, and was washing my hands. It was a nice place, decorated in warm yellow tones with gold fixtures (which normally I find gaudy but here were actually quite nice), and all muted lighting and such. But as I was drying my hands off (on paper towels) I looked up and a beautiful princess had entered the room! She was about my age, maybe a bit younger, with long brown hair done up on her head. She was wearing a long, ornately embroidered yellow/gold gown, the sort with the crinoline skirts, and a floor length crimson red cape, which may or may not have had ermine trim. She may even have had a tiara on her head. She definately had no embarassement at being in the men's.

I kept drying my hands, and averted my eyes, but I couldn't keep doing it, I had to look at her. So I did. She was drying her hands too I think, and looking straight at me. She gave me a smile and said "We are more closely related than you know." Those were the words exactly.

I have no clue what to make of any of it. But it seems like my dreams haven't deserted me just yet...

Oh and I've come to suspect that my dream RAND is actually my Celestial Sanctum.
If you have to ask what I mean, you don't need to know.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Checkout Time

Most of last night was a blur. But there was one that I remember....

I was in an old hotel. It was abandoned, empty, very old fashioned. I wasn't wandering the rooms so much as the hallways, and the place I kept ending up was this great central area which was open above and below. The walkway around it was surrounded by a dark wood railing and there were stairs up and down to the other floors. I think I was on the third floor.

I wasn't alone either. Both S and A were with me. A was having the time of his life, running around, exploring, checking this, that and the other, laughing. S was more quiet and reserved. I'm a little mixed up in the order of things but I know at one point I was chasing after A, trying to keep up to him and keep him safe. S blocked me, let him run off down the hall/walkway while she gave me oral sex. I didn't really care about that, I was far more concerned about A who was tearing around the corner and would soon be lost to sight. There was a ghostly image of a man down the way too, between me and A. I don't know who he was, or what he was doing there, or if he was really there at all. S didn't care.

Then, later, there was an alarm going off. It meant that we had to get out or else we'd "get caught", though I'm not sure who would be doing the catching...I assumed it was the police. I was trying to get S and A rounded up and out. I knew we couldn't go out the front door, so I found a window. Outside the window was a ramp of big stones that we could slide down to the street (which I could see). It wouldn't be comfortable, be we could make it. The window was narrow, very thin, and we'd need to shimmy through on our stomachs. I went first and was half way through the window, facing in and calling for her to come and bring A with her, but she was hesitating. It was almost like she didn't want to do it, and certainly didn't want to give me A to take to safety. And all the while I knew she was running out of time and there was no way for me to get back in to help or force the issue.

And then I woke up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The DaVinci Mugger?

Fragments and scraps last night...the most I remember is one about a woman...I was watching for part of it and I was the woman for part of it...

She was mid to late 20's, with longish, ultra-curly hair. Her hair was dark, maybe black (more on that in a sec) with maybe some gold highlights in it. She was wearing a sky blue top of some sort, not really form fitting, but not terribly loose either, since I remember seeing that she had fair sized breasts as well. It is entirely possible she was black as well. Not dark, very light, almost a middle-eastern tone of skin, but definately not middle-eastern, her features leaned toward negro.

Anyway, this woman was in an alley and I was watching, but it was a movie. And the movie I was watching this taking place in was The DaVinci Code. Don't ask, I don't understand that one either. So in the alley it was really dark, and it was also night so it was quite dark, and she was standing waiting for someone or something. First one person came up, but it was okay, they were innocent and nothing to do with the woman. Then someone else came up, and they had nothing to do with her either.

It was around this point that I stopped watching and started being the woman.

But my movie brain was still saying "law of threes, the third one's coming". Sure enough someone else came along, and she/I turned and it was a mugger. But because I knew he'd be there, I was ready for him and *bam* he got a quick smash in the head that he was *not* ready for. Suddenly it wasn't DaVinci Code anymore, now it was Lara Croft and I was kicking his butt. Hand on his face, bashing his head over and over...until the dream ended with a quick elbow smash....

Hmmm, I'm not normally violent. So where are these violent dreams coming from? Is this some sort of symbolic "defeating of the challenges" type thing? If that's the case, I'm popping 'em in the nose!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bus to the library?

Work dream last night. At least I’m pretty sure it was a work dream. I was back at school, but it was university this time. Didn’t look like York particularly but I knew it was. I was running around from library to library trying to buy bus tickets. Strangely enough, though, they were Ottawa bus tickets, not Toronto ones I needed to buy. And every time I got to the library it was closed, or just closing. And once I was trying to get in while they were closing and there was a glass barrier up so I couldn’t get there from here.

I wandered out into the parking lot after that (why I needed bus tickets when I had a car I could drive, I’m not entirely sure). Out in the lot, it looked like that area behind the Ross building, between there and Stacie Science, but in this case the science building was a multi story garage. I got out there, and it was like now, winter time, with snow and ice everywhere, and for some reason I found a battery (a honking big one too) on the ground in a bag. I picked it up and that was the key…that was (for some reason) what I needed. So I headed toward the car and I met up with all these people from work (including my Director) and they were all quite happy and talkative and stuff and that was it.

I have no idea what it really means, but it sure beats ear wax.

Monday, March 14, 2005

All I remember

Is ear wax.

I know, thrilling ain't it? But that's it. That's all I remember from last night, and worse, I have no context for it. I'm not even sure if it was my ear wax.

Is this what my dream blog has been reduced to? The crusty stuff that builds up in one's ears?

Personally I'd rather not have the dreams all night if this is all I'm going to get out of it. I mean, have you looked up ear wax on a dream dictionary? Strangely enough, I've not found anything. Apparently it's not a big dream symbol.

I get the definite idea that they're fading.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Phantoms of the night

Back to the old standard of a night filled with dreams and images, but none remembered. Heck, I lay my head down for 20 minutes this afternoon and I was bombarded again, but also with no memory. I do wonder if somehow I'm taking something in from these unremembered dreams, if somehow they're teaching me something, and the ones I remember have a lesson I have yet to learn well enough or something like that. Most of it's proved pretty accurate so far....

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Breakfast with a famous writer

Funny, this one was a bit stronger than lately they've been....wonder what's up?

Anyway, in this one, I was at a hotel of some sort, and I was downstairs looking for breakfast. There were several restaurants to go to, and I couldn't really tell much to differentiate them, so I was having trouble deciding which to pick. That's when Dave Barry showed up.

Dave apparently was staying at the same hotel, and he knew me, from somewhere (seemed like I'd known him a while too), and came over so we could decide on where we wanted to go. We discussed the restaurants, and he was very funny, and people came up to talk to him sometimes while we talked. Then for some reason, I set out on my own for the restaurant we'd picked.

So how much does this have to do with finding a publisher do you think? Dave's long been an inspiration.

Then there was something about me walking down the street (to get to breakfast maybe?) but I didn't have any pants on. No one noticed, or cared, and I didn't particularly mind either. It was more that I was worried about getting cold than anything else. I think I was in New York.

All of my Khi's lately seem to have something to do with "exposing myself" (figuratively I'm assuming). And this just follows the trend. Well, that's the trail I'm on, the track I'm taking. Let's see where it goes...hope it's not too cold!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Egypt me

Bedtime again...but it's my own fault's been a busy day all 'round...

Quiet again last night. Not totally quiet, but still not the volume it was just a week ago.

Last night (well, really it was this morning, actually) I was at an Egyptian temple of some sort. There was a priestess running around being kinda scary, and I remember strange relief carvings of skulls and the like. I also remember me playing with toy figures in the sand dunes, standing them up and stuff, making columns out of them. I really don't remember much else. It was very vague, and almost had that feeling like it wasn't all there for me to know or remember, almost more like it was "just a dream".

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Quieting down

What? Not bedtime? Ha! To reference Scott Adams… “Try to find the umbrella now”!

Okay, so last night was extremely quiet. I mean really quiet. I think the dreams are going away. I think they’re fading. I guess I made it past the point where their guidance was needed and helpful and all that jazz. Yes, I remember having dreams last night, but they weren’t vivid, they were barely recognizable as such, and when I awoke in the morning, there wasn’t even the vaguest hint of a wisp of a shadow of an image.

But then from what I understand, they’re starting to ramp up for E….maybe she needs a dream diary. :-)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Return to Rand

Hmmm, bedtime again for this writing eh? Well, not surprising given the work situation. So it should also be no surprse that it was a work dream last night too right?

In this one, I was back at Rand. Not the real Rand, but that strange dream Rand I go to sometimes. In this one, this time, I was there alone, and in my meanderings I ended up in a hallway somewhere upstairs. As I was passing through this lab-sorta area, I bumped into an old friend. I've never *really* seen him before in my life, but still, I knew he was an old old friend, a dear friend and a good collegue.

He heard (I told him?) I was looking for a job and he insisted that I join his team and do research work for him. He was a wise old guru type, grey beard and all, and he needed help with his project, research of some sort. He dropped everything, left the people he was with and escorted me to where I could "sign up". I did, reminding him that I didn't have a doctorate or anything, bu the tut tutted that and said not to worry. I saw the signup list that showed there were other (I felt) more qualified candidates, but I knew somehow that I'd be chosen.

So this morning, I started making a list of dear old friends and gurus who might appreciate me working for them, helping them out. I don't need to get hit with the turnip truck twice now do I?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Ugh, what a day. And strangely enough it followed a night of nothing memorable.

Sure, as usual it was all filled with stuff, images, dreams, pictures, stories, something...but nothing memorable.

Good thing too probably since it took until bedtime tonight to get last night written down.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Resistance is futile!

Well, no it's not, but it was part of last night's dreamscape....

Actually there was a series of dreams...but again, I can't remember a thing about them today. I do remember waking up and being able to make sense of it last night, even to the point of attributing meaning to them, and yes, I was awake enough to be lucid too. But then, this morning, *poof* gone.

The only thing I've got, is a WWII dream. I was a soldier, behind enemy lines. I was on a mission to get some sort of a trinket that had a hidden something inside it. At first I was crossing streets in China, with really busy traffic, but later it changed to be off in some campus type space. I was handed these two cameo style things, that started off as earrings but became big plaques (about the size of a deck of cards). They were terracotta colored. One was the "real one" and the other had the embedded "whatsit" which I think was electronic in nature.

So I had both of them in my pocket and I was in uniform, but I was also disguised as a German somehow. And while I was walking with my team (two other guys) we passed a German patrol who just ignored us. Guess we blended. One of the things was broken when I got it out of my pocket, but the guy with me who looked like Col Hogan (Hogan's Heroes) fixed it with his lighter because it was like wax or plastic or something.

And that's it. I'm not sure where I was going or why, or what the whatsit was. But it seems like a work dream....I'll give it more thought and see what I come up with....

Sunday, March 06, 2005

More groceries

Fragments, fragments and more fragments. As every night now seems to be, sleep time is filled with events and images, that I can only keep fragments of, if that. All that remains of last night was a grocery shop. I was shopping (looked like the local Sobey's actually) with A in the cart. I was paused at the spot where the wine store is, but instead it was something else. Something to do with music. And I heard a particular Kalen Porter song playing.

I woke up with the song still ringing in my ears...

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Dirty water

More fragments mostly. Unremembered stuff. There was something about a bunch of drunks asking directions to a bar, but I can't remember anything more about that.

The one I do remember involved S. I was somewhere strange. There was a long aisle formed by rows of scaffolding on either side. The stuff on the left was all I was concerned with. There were all these individual sections of scaffold, most were lowered to the ground, but there was one up and open. The track that formed the row was muddy ground. It was cold, and everything was misty. S was lying on the ground at the open scaffold. I progressed down the row to where she lay, and I saw she was naked, with a blanket half over her. I looked into the open scaffold section, and she was there now, lying naked in a ditch of stagnent, muddy water, her breasts and face the most visible elements above the surface.

I asked her if she wasn't cold and how she could be lying in the water like that, wasn't she uncomfortable?

S just laughed at me, and rolled around in the water playing. I knew she wanted me to join her in the water, but there was no way I was going in there. The idea was an impossibillity to me. Then she gave me a smile and lifted her hips to me, spreading her legs. I looked down, and she was shaved perfectly clean, and then I realized, she had no vagina. All there was was flat, smooth skin.

And that was that.

S has been having a lot of issues lately about moving forward. I refer back to her kidnap dream. I think that she is happy where she is, with no intention of learning any of the lessons this life has to offer. This has become more and more obvious, from her actions and what she says. The dream simply reinforces it for me. The sexual aspect of it is quite disturbing for me. I don't know what it means. I'll have to give that more thought....

Friday, March 04, 2005


Please note, this was not actually posted on the day that it says it was posted, rather it was posted two days later, but I hate to screw up the cycle....

Miniscule fragments only last night.

In fact the only thing I can remember is getting a gift from the Source. I remember standing there, hands in the air, reaching to a clear blue sky and knowing I was getting a gift directly from the Source. But that's it. That's all.

Oh, but while I'm here, let's talk a bit about life crossing over into dreamland.
I was out last night getting dinner for us. There I was, driving up the road, I change lanes, look up and what do I see, but the car in front of me has a license plate that reads "KKV". Nothing else, no numbers, nothing, just those three letters. KKV. I was stunned. I don't know how I didn't have an accident driving to the restaurant. I didn't know what to make of it. In fact, I'm still not sure. Then that night I have a dream that I'm getting a gift straight from the Source? Go back and re-read the KKV posts if you're curious about what the connection means. Now I just have to figure out what it really means means, if you know what I mean...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Do I get a toaster?

All I remember from last night is just a small, tiny little fragment.

I was somewhere. Somewhere white. It was cloudy maybe? I don't really remember, all I remember was the "white". And I was on a payphone. Not my cell, not a desk phone, nope one of those old payphones. I vaguely remember something about a red "phone" sign too. Anyway, I was on the phone to E. I had just set up the account for us, like I was supposed to do, and I had to tell her. I don't remember actually talking to her, but I know I was on the phone to her, if that makes any sense at all. But I was happy to have set up the account, and she was happy that I had set it up too. And that's pretty much all I remember. There might have been something to do with "flags" as well. I seem to remember a bunch of flags at some point, but I have no context for them at all.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I only remember E

Images, scenes and events all flooding through my head last night, and of them all I can only remember E. That's it. I remember she was there. I remember seeing her, being with her. I think C may have been there too. Maybe even A. But I can't say for sure. I have no context, no environment, no location, no activity, only the person.

So it was a sweet dream at least...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Doin' time....

I'd been sent up the river...put away...locked up...put into Sing Sing...and all because I had unapproved software on my PC. Yes, I'd gone to prison. Okay, it wasn't hard time or anything. It was really more like a dorm. And there were these other guys there, guess we were all in stir together or something, and we were all talking. I have no idea what about though.

I guess I got a day pass though, because next thing I knew I was walking along Victoria Park Ave to dad's place. My fellow cons were going somewhere that they were allowed to go, and I said that my dad's was also allowed so I was going there instead. I got to dad's place, and it was nothing like dad's place. It was vaguely like S's folks place in China.

A was there and my dad(? maybe). They were in the other room when got there, so I just sat down at the dining room table and started playing piano. Well, I was trying to play piano but there were toys everywhere and getting in the way of the keys. When they heard me, they came out to see me and I knew that I'd "gotten out" of prision, I was free.

Oh, and I vaguely remember a fight. I had a fight with someone who looked like a cat. He was menacing me (much like the last time), and so I pasted him in the nose a few times. He finally went down when I smashed his head into a table. I think he may have been frothing like he was rabid or something.

The whole dream seemed "weaker" again last night than they have recently...