Friday, March 25, 2005

Bits and snatches yet again

Nothing big...certainly nothing much remembered....

There were two fragments. In one, I was at a party of some sort, with A. We were there together, and maybe it was a birthday party, but I don't think so. Anyway, I was given a book, a book about the Mexian American war (something I've been reading about off and on lately), and it was filled with really nice pictures of Mexican soldiers in uniform (somthing I've not seem much of), so I was really happy to get it. The only other things I remember, were that Alex was really really happy, and we seemed to be in some sort of California adobe, but a modern one.

The second invovled me as a detective of some sort. I was investigating something, I suspect it was a murder, and it involved S. It was like I was trying to find her. I was with my partner (a generic male cop partner) and we were searching in bags of toys and the like in a garage. There was a pickup truck there too. I think the house was owned by an Indian (India Indian) couple. It might have been in Vancouver. It was grey and cloudy outside, and as my partner and I were leaving, the lady of the house said something suspicious, though what, I don't remember. And I'm not even convinced that there was any connection to S's disappearance. (and I'm equally not sure what this has to do with the planned Vancouver trip which fills me with dread for no apparent reason...)

Hear me o voice of fate...if you can fill in some details, I sure as heck wouldn't mind....


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