Thursday, March 17, 2005

Checkout Time

Most of last night was a blur. But there was one that I remember....

I was in an old hotel. It was abandoned, empty, very old fashioned. I wasn't wandering the rooms so much as the hallways, and the place I kept ending up was this great central area which was open above and below. The walkway around it was surrounded by a dark wood railing and there were stairs up and down to the other floors. I think I was on the third floor.

I wasn't alone either. Both S and A were with me. A was having the time of his life, running around, exploring, checking this, that and the other, laughing. S was more quiet and reserved. I'm a little mixed up in the order of things but I know at one point I was chasing after A, trying to keep up to him and keep him safe. S blocked me, let him run off down the hall/walkway while she gave me oral sex. I didn't really care about that, I was far more concerned about A who was tearing around the corner and would soon be lost to sight. There was a ghostly image of a man down the way too, between me and A. I don't know who he was, or what he was doing there, or if he was really there at all. S didn't care.

Then, later, there was an alarm going off. It meant that we had to get out or else we'd "get caught", though I'm not sure who would be doing the catching...I assumed it was the police. I was trying to get S and A rounded up and out. I knew we couldn't go out the front door, so I found a window. Outside the window was a ramp of big stones that we could slide down to the street (which I could see). It wouldn't be comfortable, be we could make it. The window was narrow, very thin, and we'd need to shimmy through on our stomachs. I went first and was half way through the window, facing in and calling for her to come and bring A with her, but she was hesitating. It was almost like she didn't want to do it, and certainly didn't want to give me A to take to safety. And all the while I knew she was running out of time and there was no way for me to get back in to help or force the issue.

And then I woke up.


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