Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Return to Rand

Hmmm, bedtime again for this writing eh? Well, not surprising given the work situation. So it should also be no surprse that it was a work dream last night too right?

In this one, I was back at Rand. Not the real Rand, but that strange dream Rand I go to sometimes. In this one, this time, I was there alone, and in my meanderings I ended up in a hallway somewhere upstairs. As I was passing through this lab-sorta area, I bumped into an old friend. I've never *really* seen him before in my life, but still, I knew he was an old old friend, a dear friend and a good collegue.

He heard (I told him?) I was looking for a job and he insisted that I join his team and do research work for him. He was a wise old guru type, grey beard and all, and he needed help with his project, research of some sort. He dropped everything, left the people he was with and escorted me to where I could "sign up". I did, reminding him that I didn't have a doctorate or anything, bu the tut tutted that and said not to worry. I saw the signup list that showed there were other (I felt) more qualified candidates, but I knew somehow that I'd be chosen.

So this morning, I started making a list of dear old friends and gurus who might appreciate me working for them, helping them out. I don't need to get hit with the turnip truck twice now do I?


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