Friday, March 04, 2005


Please note, this was not actually posted on the day that it says it was posted, rather it was posted two days later, but I hate to screw up the cycle....

Miniscule fragments only last night.

In fact the only thing I can remember is getting a gift from the Source. I remember standing there, hands in the air, reaching to a clear blue sky and knowing I was getting a gift directly from the Source. But that's it. That's all.

Oh, but while I'm here, let's talk a bit about life crossing over into dreamland.
I was out last night getting dinner for us. There I was, driving up the road, I change lanes, look up and what do I see, but the car in front of me has a license plate that reads "KKV". Nothing else, no numbers, nothing, just those three letters. KKV. I was stunned. I don't know how I didn't have an accident driving to the restaurant. I didn't know what to make of it. In fact, I'm still not sure. Then that night I have a dream that I'm getting a gift straight from the Source? Go back and re-read the KKV posts if you're curious about what the connection means. Now I just have to figure out what it really means means, if you know what I mean...


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