Monday, February 28, 2005

Campaign contribution

Hazy bits and fragments only from last may just be me (well, duh, it kinda has to be doesn't it?) but it feels like the dreams are fading, not as strong as they were even a few days ago. Things just seem "lighter" somehow....something to keep a watch on anyway.

So the bits from last night that I remember...there was something to do with my old collegue/boss R. I had to do something with him? for him? Something like that. And I was making a phone call to make some sort of contribution for R, and I got "Paul" instead. Paul was some sort of associate of R's but was obviously totally unreliable. My current PL rolled her eyes and gave me the 'no way would I deal with him' talk when she knew that it was Paul's voice mail that I got.

I then had caught up with R, as he was on his way somewhere...obviously going somewhere very important, because he was in a suit and trenchcoat and didn't really have time to talk to me. I trailed along behind him talking to him, and then I got to an office, which was acting much more like a classroom with the teacher away. It was chaos! There were kids running and screaming and fighting. And I got menaced by two kids, one of whom was (yet again) the "August" kid I'd known in public school. He and some other kid were coming after me so I ended up punching him in the nose and swearing at them, telling them in not very nice terms to leave me alone, which they did.

And then I woke up.

So does the fact that "August" showed up again have some significance? Is there something about the month of August that I should be aware of? And why did I need to defend myself from him? I suppose it could be some sort of childhood fear come back to play itself out, but I don't think so. It didn't feel like that. Swoon says that to defend yourself means the return of something you've lost. I'm not sure what to make of this....


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