Monday, February 21, 2005

What a phone call starts...

The curling iron was vibrating...obviously I had it on "manners" mode. But it wasn't vibrating to strongly so I wanted to make sure it was really ringing, so I picked up my cel phone, which also was vibrating, and answered it. It was S, and I asked if she was calling on the curling iron. She said it wasn't her but I'd better answer it. I did, and somehow it turned out that there was someone on the other end who shouldn't be there.

I was standing in the door to the bathroom, in an apartment that I've never seen before but I knew was my apartment. It was an old building, with those real wood panel doors and everything. It was a nice place. And the bathroom reminded me of the one in Hollywood. So then I was confronted by this guy, whose apartment it used to be, and he had a key still, and didn't see what was wrong about stopping in. I explained it was wrong and he had to give me his key. Then we went walking.

Somehow we were then watching a review of Communist troops past Tian Ah Men. It was grainy old black and white footage of tanks and jeeps and soldiers and stuff. But then it was here and now, and I was there. It was funny, it was like an intersection, Tian Ah Men off to the front, Forbidden City off to the left, who knows what to the right and behind. Not at all what it was really like, but I found myself thinking "I've been there!" And the Tian Ah Men looked more like a Moroccan arch than a Chinese arch.

Anyway, I wandered down toward the Forbidden City gate to try and find S and her family, but there was no sign of them in the crowd. So I wandered back and found the tour guide who told me that they'd gone in without me and I could take this bus tour instead. I plunked down on the bus and she handed me maps showing where the bus was going, but instead of Beijing, the maps were of Hollywood! The bus started up, with me looking for familiar landmarks on the map, and then it turned out it wasn't a tour, but rather a special transport to a special show. I was on the bus with celebrities.

We got to the destination which was some sort of birthday show for Dan Ackroyd and others. The Blues Brothers were playing and I was up on "stage" with a bunch of other celebs. They were all doing tributes and my friend K was there doing particularly lame jokes and stuff. I knew we were in Hollywood, but I didn't recognize anything. I asked one of the Celebs (Nick Nolte I think) about what street that was, since it had a "Sip n Go" or something like that on it. He told me a name I didn't recognize. I told him how I'd lived there and where the address was. He told me it was over that way and the distance. Then these girls started talking excitedly and told me that the place I'd lived had been used in a movie in the 40's. They gave the name (which I don't remember) and then said in unison the most memorable line from the film "I'll eat your little cat's liver!" (it was a mystery, psycho type thing I guess).

Then I was watching a grainy black and white film again, but this time it was of the building I'd lived in, but it wasn't really, since that was quite decorated and this was quite plain. It was similar but not the same. And I was flying. It was kinda scary to realize I was suddenly flying, but I was only at the second story in height and quickly settled down to the ground.

And then I woke up. What a bizzare dream.

Later I had another one, and in this one I was taking part in a ceremony where I had to help make a star out of holly bowers with five other guys all dressed in black priestly robes. We had to move together in pairs, say a ritual line, then step back to our place again, this time with the bowers up in place. And somehow this was going to reveal a murderer. The dream ended as I was eating a toy boat while some Celine Dion song was playing.

Don't ask. I mean, seriously, because I have no clue....


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