Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Another busy night last night!

The first one invovled me protecting a little girl. She was in danger, primarily from two other little girls. All the kids involved were pre-teen-ish, say around 10 maybe? Anyway, I was looking after this girl (who was nameless, like the other two), and it was my job to protect her. The two other girls wanted to hurt her for some reason. One was a goth-y looking kid (all stringy hair, black clothes, fright makeup etc etc) and she wanted to write all over her with a black pen for some reason. So I kept them apart, and we were going to make a run for it. We headed out, and I looked at the map (of like a subdivision) and said that I thought if we took Laurel Canyon we could probably get away from them. So we went out to the car and away we went, and sure enough we got away. This was when I woke up and saw that it was about 2:30am.

Then later I had another, and in this one I was taking a test, but it was an easy test, and my big boss was there as the examiner and basically told me that I'd do fine, not to worry. So I didn't. There was a bird outside the window that I watched for a while. Then I found myself on a production line. Like actually sitting on the conveyor belt. I was sorting stuff for recycling. As I passed a worker guy, I gave him something out of the box in front of me, and then I slid down a ramp. And I kept sorting recyclables....

Having given it some thought, I think that the little girl in the first dream, the one I'm protecting, is E. And I think that the two other girls are J and S. I think that's why one wants to write on her, because of course J is a writer. Laurel Canyon was just down the street from where I lived in LA, and it leads up to Mulholland Drive, which is a key point in Hey Pretty, which is a song that always makes me think of E. And add to this the fact that S had her butt dream, which lead to E reminding me about how J was on her case too.. There's other reasons too, but that's the gist of my thinking at least.

And as to the other dream...well, I think a lot of that is work related. I'm not in the most stunning of jobs right now and I have a deadline comming up, which I know I can make, but I'm not exactly the most motevated person in the world to do the work right now. I'll do it, I know I will, and they'll like it. But I think that part of the dream says it all. As to the recycling? I think it means that I'm sorting through some life stuff these days, looking at what to ditch and what to keep. Just my opinion though....


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