Monday, February 07, 2005

Out standing in a field!

I was (for some reason) at R's tree farm. Only it wasn't just a Christmas tree was a real farm farm, with a barn and animals and all that sorta stuff. His girls were there, and they cooked up a really nice meal, though I don't actually remember eating it.

I do remember being out in the farmyard, and seeing into the barn, where there was a cat that the girls were helping. They were feeding it, and it was strangely oversized and without any legs. It was quite bizzare-looking on the whole.

The nicest part of the dream was being out walking in the woods. It wasn't the tree farm part, but rather a very natural, very beautiful space. There was a path through the woods, very clearn and open. It was winter in the entire dream, and the ground was snow covered. Somewhere off to my right was a lake or large pond, frozen and snow covered. The sun was out and it was warm dispite it being winter, and I walked through the forest and I felt simply wonderful. I felt as if I hadn't a care in the world, that all was right and well and happy. It really was the most wonderful feeling. Contented, I guess I could say, contented with myself. I was very happy with the path I was on too, and the things I was seeing while I went along.

I woke up with the image of that path still vivid in my mind, and I had the strangest thought. It was really the first thing that ran through my head when I became aware of being concious. I thought "I will be there. I will live there, one day." And what I meant was the place where that path exists. Even now I can see the path, and feel the echos of that good feeling.


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