Friday, February 04, 2005


Ugh....A woke up at 6:15 this morning, rousing me rudely out of my dream-laden slumber. With the speed with which things evaporated from my mind, however, I don't think that there was a great deal of signficance on what I was seeing. There are two elements I remember though. One was sitting at a computer screen and talking about playing an RPG in Chinese (or was it Japanese -- this aspect was a hold over from seeing some of Dragon Ball Z on YTV last night while giving A his bottle). The thing of note here was that I knew I was able to function just well enough in that language to run the game.

The second aspect I remember was making a doctor's appointment. I was making the appointment at the office, and it was for a different doctor. Like a referral. So then they made the appointment, but told me that I'd have to reschedule since that day was a holiday. I said okay, I would. Then later my cel rang, and it was that doctor's office telling me I couldn't come for my appointment, it was a holiday and I'd have to reschedule. I told them I knew, and I would, and then they hung up. What is this with dream doctors lately?


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