Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Is that really the PM?

Mostly fragments again last one, I was in the basement (which I'm just beginning to renovate) and I was staring at the wall. It was strange because the whole basement was both unfinished (as it is now) and finished (as it's planned to be) -- almost like the two versions of it were overlapping in reality. So there I was, looking at this wall, and then E was beside me, and she put her arms around me and leaned her head on my shoulder. We were both relaxed and happy. And then that dream ended.

Okay, now I realize, looking at what I've written since starting this blog that it must seem like I dream about E pretty much nightly. It hasn't been like that, just in the last little while has she started making real regular appearances. I'm not sure what to make of it. Just lucky I guess?

The other one I remember is kinda strange, and sorta is two run together. In one, my dad was taking a course for work (he's retired btw), but in the dream he was in a tie and everything like he did when he worked. So he was home from this course and bitching about how they were making him make powerpoint presentations of useless stuff (I know where this is from...that's me bitching, not dad). But then that somehow changed to me in a car with a bunch of other people, one of whom was Paul Martin! It was like we were in my car, but it was much more luxurious, and it kept switching as to who was driving. At one point, I was driving, another time I was in the back and some faceless chauffeur was driving, at another it was Paul himself! About the only talk in the dream was about what route to take to the destination (which I didn't seem to know where we were going, but I knew exactly how to get there....hmmm, is there a metaphor there?) When I was in the back seat with Paul at one point, I looked over at him and he was asleep against the door (he was behind the driver, and I was behind the passenger), and sitting between us was a short, pretty young asian lady in a white dress. She reminded me a bit of a girl I used to see all the time on the bus. When the dream ended we were somewhere downtown and headed for the bridge over the river (is this another metaphor?) though it was still a few turns away....


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