Thursday, January 20, 2005

So what does *this* mean?

Okay, we'll start the ol' dream diary off with this latest series of dreams that I find just bizzare.

The first one was on sunday night. In that one I was with a woman, some dark-haired stranger, at an airport. It was a dirty, dingy sort of that I reflect back on it, it looked more like the underbelly of some TTC subway station...maybe Eglinton? It was greyish like that anyway. Anyway, we were there, and I knew she was married, and she knew I was, and she asked me to lose my ticket. "Fly home tomorrow" she told me, "stay with me tonight." She told me that "Ralph wouldn't mind." We kissed, and that was as far as that went.

Then monday night I had another one. In that one I was in Los Angeles, visiting my sister-in-law. I've never been there, never seen her house but I'm sure that it's not like what I dreamed. In the dream it was a hollywood mansion, with trees and rocks and a grotto pool in the front entryway. I pulled into the driveway. It was night. And I went into the house with my arms around a pair of women, who would be staying the night. I didn't even see their faces, so it really wasn't about them. They disappeared then anyway, and I was in a ward style bedroom with several single beds and my sister-in-law and her husband were there, their kids playing somewhere in the background.

Then again, last night. This one was the vaguest of them all, but it was also the only one to feature nudity. In this one I saw a couple, almost on stage. The woman was in a dress, and she dropped the top of it. I moved on to another "stage" and on that one there was another couple, and they were both naked. In both cases I knew I was "invited" to join them. In fact, the fellow on the second stage even said "C'mon in...." And that was where that one ended.

So why am I having these dreams about being invited to indulge in carnal cavorting? What does it all mean? It's not like I'm feeling particularly anxious along those lines. The dream dictionaries all say that adultry means you've got sexual issues...that you're betraying yourself or something along those lines. But I don't feel that way at all. And what does it mean that I'm being invited, that it's alright for everyone invovled. Heck even I get the "it's okay" vibe in the dream. And what does it say that the story never progresses beyond the invitation?

Well, we'll see if the trend continues, I guess.


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