Saturday, January 22, 2005

Sewer Stones

First one....
I was out walking in a field somewhere, and there was a road twisting around a forest. It was fall and the trees were partly bare and very colorful in reds, oranges and gold. I knew there were people with, but who and how many I couldnt' tell ya.

I looked at the trees and road and thought of a war movie. I'd no sooner thought "Johnson get up that road and watch for the enemy, I don't want any surprises" then I saw a German truck and staff car rounding the bend. Then I was in the forest watching the convoy pass. After the staff car came an American truck and a half track, then a convertable (that damned convetable again!) At the end of the convoy a car stopped and a pair of MiB got out and came to find me. Somehow they knew I'd seen too much. I scrambled...what could I do? Then I spotted a sewer drain at the bottom of a leave covered embankment. I zipped down to it and was about to wriggle in when I realized that there was a small stone square out in front of it. On this stone were other smaller stones, crystals. There were maybe a dozen, one was milky white and translucent, another looked like my chunk of jet, and in the middle of it all, like a flurescent jelly bean, was this glowing blue stone. I thought they were funny to see there, but basically ignored them and slid myself through the small opening.

Inside wasn't your typical drainage tube. Instead, this was a big, low stone room, almost tomb-like, and it was filled with religious icons and the like from various ancient cultures. And leaning back against the wall was an older lady, in a hippieish, artist sorta outfit. She had grey hair and her eyes were closed. She was crouched like she was hiding too. She looked at me and said "They'll be gone soon."

Then we were in her apartment. It was a lovely old place, all wood and antiques and the like. We were getting ready to go somewhere, to escape. Then the door buzzer rang and she was trying to talk to whoever it was in the lobby. They didn't answer, and she was sure it was her nephew, but I knew it was the MiB--they'd caught up with us and we were too late....

The next was again right before I woke up. In this one, I was walking on a moonlit night through an old town, or an old part of town. It was supposed to be LA. I was dressed in a white suit and panama hat and using a cane. I crossed a bridge over a canal with a tour group, but when they turned right, I turned left into the maze of old buildings. I was looking for a radio station.

I wandered the narrow alleys of old spanish style brick buildings, the walls covered in posters, until finally I found myself in an art show. Several times in this dream, from the posters, to a newspaper notice for the show, to the show itself, I saw an abstract line drawing of a female nude. It was nothing graphic, more like what they used for the Imaginus poster sales at school, but she represented the ideal of feminity, the ultimate of fertility and creative power. And then I realized it was one of those holidays the Americans get that we don't. And one of the strange ones, like Arbour Day or something, and the gallery started to fill with Spanish-American families all there on their day off.

And then my son the alarm clock went off again and that was that, but the image of that line drawing stays with me still.


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