Saturday, January 29, 2005

Saved? It's a gamble

I found myself in some sort of strange bunkerish type place. It was all cement, and seemed to be underground. There was a group of us making our way somewhere through this long bunkerish tunnel. To the side of the tunnel there were little outcroppings, small areas marked off by cement railings and in them people were setting up tables and chairs. I couldn't figure out what they were doing, until a little further down the hall I saw a group of people in one of these side areas. It was a collection of old folks playing poker. (I really think this is in reference to the older gentleman who was going to commit suicide last night in a bid to draw attention to the plight of assisted suicide -- very disturbing, this latter day "Meet John Doe", made all the more so by the fact that it's real...he said at his news conference he liked to play poker).

We continued down the hall and ended up in a room together. But this room was above ground and seemed almost like a schoolhouse or something of that nature. There was a collection of us there, and I saw E and her son C. She looked exactly like she did at A's birthday party, but C was about 12 or 13 years old (and his hair was now sandy brown). But he played with A (who was still as he is now) like they were best of friends and the same age (which they are). There was a "preacher" type at this meeting and he told us something (who knows what it was) and then we all left. As we were leaving en masse, the preacher was slapping some people on the back and saying "You're saved, you're chosen", in the "saved for all eternity" sort of chosen...there was something about all of us at this meeting that meant we were all chosen. (whatever that means) And then we left and went out into the sunshine and that was that.

Now before this, earlier in the night, there'd been a bunch of strange stuff...almost like disconnected images that I'd been seeing, no story, no path, just images and impressions. The strongest of which was that of a stone tube or pipe. And it's not the first time this has come up. I don't know what it means, or why, but I keep seeing this stone pipe..always seems like it's upright, that is standing up like a letter "I" when I see it, and it's made of brown stone, nothing special, just plain old stone. I can't even get a sense of scale out of it, since there's no context around it. Anyone have any ideas what a stone pipe means?


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