Friday, January 28, 2005

A night and a nap

Three this time. One from overnight, two from a long long nap this afternoon!

The one last night was kinda odd. Well, okay, they're dreams, when aren't they odd. Maybe the time I dreamed I was working in an office in a warehouse, and just doing office things, but the "normality" of that dream was in itself odd really, don't you think?

Anyway, last night, I was climbing a tree. It was a tropical tree, in a tropical place. I seem to remember a white sand beach off that way somewhere. The tree was green, and the place around me was green, very bright tropical green, and I was shinning up this branchless palm tree. I knew there were others who'd gone before me and others coming after, but then I reached some kind of landing. It was there that I discovered that those before me were already back on the ground, and those after me had quit. I was on my own, but I had to keep going. I switched from the tree though, to a narrow, ladder-like set of stairs. I went up a level, turned and went up another level, and as I did, they became true wooden stairs. And I knew I'd make the top in no time. Then I woke up.

As an editorial comment, this dream immediately on waking reminded me of another that I'd had months back. In that one I was climbing a ladder-thingy just like the wooden one in this dream. Only in that one it was metal and inside a building. It led me to an apartment where I got stalled. Is this a continuation? Did I find my way out of that apartment?

Then in the afternoon I had a nice nap and was plagued there too!

It was so strange, becuase for the first dream, I was both in it and watching it at the same time. I was a Napeoleonic British naval officer, and I was riding on a horse with an army officer (I was in front, he was behind) and we were going to have a duel. It was going to be right there on the horse too! Hard to do when you're not facing each other. So then he flung me from his horse and I stood up and was so angry, but couldn't kill him, so I shot my pistol over his horse. And then he drew his sword on me, so I went to draw mine but it got tangled up in a sash of some sort. And then I woke up.

I settled back in to sleep, and there was another dream...but it's gone now. Any hint of what it even could have been...gone. I knew it, I did, even for hours after...but it's taken too long to get to it I guess, or else it wasn't very important or something. Because now, trying to write this I'm totally blanked. *sigh* If it comes to me later, I'll add it I guess.


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