Monday, January 31, 2005

Brain fizz

Hmmmmmm, not sure what to make of this (like I can make heads or tails of any of it right?)

I was in a doctor's office. It actually seemed more like an apartment then a doctor's office, but it was. And I was consulting my neuro, Dr. G, who'd brought in another "specialist" to give me a diagnosis. He was looking at some sort of images of my head (I have migraines, at least I think they're migraines) that were some sort of x-ray/digital imaging cross (an mri maybe?). So the specialist looks at the pictures (it wasn't the first time he'd seen them either) and he tells me that I've got something wrong. But he can't say exactly what. It looks to him like there's a 40% *something* going on (I don't remember what it was he said here) and also that there's a %65 brain fizz (whatever the hell that is!) and that it'd effect me for the rest of my life but that they thought they could control it, though there would have to be some modifications to my lifestyle. So with this cheery news, they sent me on my way, with Dr G telling me I could call him later if I need to talk more, and he gave me a number on a paper.

I then was driving home in a dark night, through a snow storm, out in the country (and I didn't recgonize the car I was in either). And for some reason I stopped at some sort of "roadside rest stop" type thingy, and it contained a Burger King. I didn't eat anything, didn't even really go to the restaurant, but wandered around inside. Maybe I went to the washroom? Then I was home. (yeah it just skipped a scene...guess I made the rest of the drive okay) Along the way I'd realized that I didn't even know when I was supposed to see Dr G again or what the real effect of this problem I had was. So I called the number he'd given me, at it turned out to be his office. I got his receptionist who said that they were closed, but if I called back in a few minutes, Dr G may be able to speak to me. I even heard him in the background saying somthing like that to her. I was surprised it was his office -- for some reason I'd thought it was his home. So I hung up and checked the number, and yeah, I recognized it as his office number. Then as I was calling him back, I woke up.

There was something else in there too...another dream maybe? Something about drinking oleander. Isn't oleander deadly?


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