Sunday, January 30, 2005

Back to school

Two remembered from last night...

In the first I was in high school. Not my high school, but similar. I've been here before, seen a lot of the same spots before, but I'm really not sure what this school is. Anyway, I was in a hallway of some sort and there was a class election going on, but I couldn't get into the room where the election was to be held. In fact, I knew the room was empty. I ended up going to this classroom set into a hillside with a view of forest all around, and then back down to the hallway, where someone from the election room came out to see why no one was voting. I told them the door had been locked, so they fixed it and then everything was okay.

In the second, I started on a train. It was an old train, and I think the whole thing was set in the 1940's. I was on the train with my "wife" who was in fact, a woman I'd never seen before, well kinda (more on that in a minute). She had dark wavy hair in a 40's style and was wearing floral dress and neat little hat. Her skin was such pale white as to be paper-like. And while I didn't know who she was or her name or anything, I knew she was my wife. And I have seen her before. She was the one in my earlier dream (see the second post of this blog) who told me to lose my tickets and stay with her for the night. So who is this woman? I have a theory...more on that later.

So we took the train and ended up at this house which was owned by this little old couple who were so helpful. They even handed the trash straight to the garbage man to help him out. Then we left and came back the next day. But the old couple weren't there anymore. Now it was a young guy and my wife was trying to sell him shoes she'd made for his girlfriend, who was a total fashion plate dispite the fact that she wasn't there. My wife showed him the shoes, big platform things in a floral print, and while showing them she also was attaching a fabric flower to the top.

Things then suddenly changed and I was in my dad's house, but as it was before my mom died. All the curtains were closed, but I could see the sun through them. The house was bigger than it is, longer, with an extra room at the back. I was there alone and waiting for my mom to come home. And then I woke up with A deciding it was time to get up...

Now, my thought on the dark haired woman. I actually wonder if it's not some sort of past life thing. I wonder if it's not actually me who is that woman. I got this feeling when I first woke up, and when I talked to S about this dream (without telling her about the adultry dreams) the first thing she mentioned was that she thought it sounded like a past life thing too. Might explain why she'd seem so famillar...any thoughts?


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