Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Apparenly, I need a shave and a haircut

When I woke up this morning, at first I thought, yes! I've done it! I had a night without dreams! But then reality slowly crept in...I'd only had a night where it wasn't the last one before getting up that I was remembering. Then I thought it was something trivial, I only remembered something about putting away wargame figures into a case. And I know where that came from. I was in a store the other day and saw these neato black art cases, but they were like a bazillion dollars each, and I was horrified. And that got tied into the last thing I did last night which was gluing together these plastic French hussars which I'm actually going to use for Mexican cavalry, and they're in this God awful, retena-buring sky blue plastic, just like the ones in my dream.

Then I remember the other dream from last night. In that one I was in the bathroom, though I'm not sure what bathroom it was. It was sorta like the one at Dad's place, combined with the one from Hollywood, and also somewhere else again. So I was in there shaving with some funky bizzaro disposable blade razor, and while I was there, a girl came in. I knew the girl, and I knew she was a girlfriend? or something like that. She had dark hair and I was associating her with Wynona Ryder for some reason, but it wasn't her. She put her arms around me, lay her head on my shoulder and said something to the effect of "I'm so glad you got me to be with you". I was happy, and kept shaving, and she said "You're only my third guy (boyfriend?), and especially since the last one was Chris..." And then we both laughed.

Then she was gone, and I was sitting alone on the bathroom floor, cutting my own hair. It was longer that it is now, and I seemed to be cutting it perfectly. While I was doing it, the door opened, and my mom came in. She told me something (that I can't remember now), and then that's all I can remember.

Now according to dreammoods both of these things can indicate a reshaping of thinking and attitudes. Wonder what I've changed?


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