Monday, February 14, 2005

Extremely entertaining!

Oh my, what an entertaining night it was last night! I chalk little or no meaning up to the dreams from last night, but what I remember is so enjoyable! I just wish I could remember more details...

Um, okay, I can pick up somewhere inside the pyramid temple. There was a group, three or four people, mixed guys and girls, and they were in this fabulous temple somewhere in the heart of a pyramid. But it wasn't in Egypt, rather it was in North America somewhere, maybe South America...not the usual spot for Egyptian-style pyramids though. The place was all decked out in dark marble, all shiny and polished, and there were these carved images on the walls. The people were looking for something, some sort of "trigger" or something. Someone wandered in behind a carving and triggered something, which caused this jet of water to shoot from the figure's mouth. Then, one of the guys (who was somehow now naked) was standing in the stream and where ever he moved, the water moved with him, which meant that he was "chosen" as the one to "go through". So he started moving toward the water nozzel, and he put his hands up to block the stream. As he got to the source, he put his hands over the opening, and then with a flash of energy he was transported....

And found himself in the exact same hallway, but alone now. And thing were subtly different. The lighting was different. There was more on the walls. The whole place just seemed more "lived in". Had he really travelled through time? Seemed like. Then a man came around the corner. He was dressed in priestly robes and said he'd been expecting the fellow. Then the two of them wandered off down the hallway, but instead of going back to the temple, this hallway lead to a giant statue of a seated Anubis, all carved out of black granite. The time-traveller had to climb up on the statue while the priest was telling him about books that he had to read, not to read them so much as to get the right ideas out of them. And the whole time I kept getting this feeling of The DaVinci Code, like it was that sort of mystical knowledge that I was supposed to be acquiring.

There was more after this but it becomes a bit of a blur at that point. I seem to remember linking back up with the main group, but now everyone was naked I think. Or they were, and the time traveller was clothed, or something like that. Hmmmm, and this part was in black and white I think...I don't usually dream in black and white, wonder why this was?

Throughout the dream the view would switch back and forth. A lot of the time I was in "movie" view, watching the whole story progress in the third person. But occasionally it would slip into first person, and I was the time-traveller, not always, but occasionally. Like when he was climbing the Anubis. That was first person, me, climbing.

Y'know, now that I write it down, I'm not so certain that I should be writing off this dream as pure entertainment. I'm thinking now that maybe there's a message there. Maybe I should be reading some of these books (damn, I wish I could remember what those books were he mentioned!) . I think it's time to pursue this education.


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