Sunday, February 20, 2005


While it was disjointed and confusing, it was at least strange.

I was shopping. I was doing grocery shopping with someone else. She was blonde, I think, but I didn't get a good look at her. I'm wondering if it was the same woman I was sitting with in yesterday's hall dream. We were shopping together, and talking about life, the universe and everything and it was a really plesant time. When we were done (while I remember there being food involved, I mean it was groceries after all, I don't remember the food per se, so I'm guessing it wasn't really that important in specific) we went up to the cash register to check out. That was when I became aware of a third person hovering nearby (not literally). It was a man, and I recognized him from public school. This shocked the shockers out of me, because I've not thought of him in years and he was never one of my favorite people to begin with, so what he was doing there, I didn't know. Anyway, it was while we were checking out, the girl and I, that the dream ended. The other fellow was just sorta hanging around.

It was only on retrospection that I realized something that I found very interesting, symbolically speaking. The fellow's name was August. That was his first name. And it was a name that I always found odd, but when I saw him in the dream the first thing that I thought was "hey that's August". What I'm wondering is, was this a sign, a symbol to tell me to watch for the month of August? That something significant or serious or something will come about in August? August also happens to be E's birthday, so could there be some significance there too?

This is going to take some more thought, I think....


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