Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Little sleep, but still a dream

Didn't get a lot of sleep last night since A decided to come down with croup, and so I spent most of the night with him, about half of it awake (and the other half not particularly deeply asleep either). But dispite these less than stellar conditions, I still managed to have and remember a dream. And thank goodness it was good and bizzare!

I was at a wedding. Not my wedding. In fact I don't think I ever really saw the groom. But I was at a wedding and was, in fact, in the party. I was a groomsman and E was a bride's maid. And the dream started with the whole wedding party moving away from (I assume) the reception, and into some back room place. I can vaguely picture the groomsmen in formal wear, but down to shirt sleeves, and I think the women were in some sort of tan/peach strapless thing. You know, the usual hideous bridalwear. There was no bride in white to be seen either by the way. So we all shuffled into the back area in two lines (boys and girls), E and I in the back of the two lines. As everyone else went ahead E had to go to the bathroom, so I decided to wait for her. (As an aside, this in itself is an oddity. I mean, the woman has a camel bladder. I swear she goes pee once a week, tops! But I digress)

The group went on to their destination, which was a pair of rooms with open curtains for doors. The rooms, like the group, was divided into boys and girls. So the boys went into their room, the girls to theirs. The last woman in the group (now that E was gone to the WC), a dark haired woman, came back to me and asked "Aren't you coming? Why not come into ours?" meaning, the woman's room. Then she went off into the room. As I continued waiting, and watching, suddenly the folks in either room were engaged in an orgy! I could see a great deal of naked covorting going on, and thought to myself "geez, what the hell are they doing? I have to wait and tell E not to go in there...." I was really quite disgusted at their behaviour, I mean, here was a bride and groom, going at it with who knows who in a brothel, on their wedding night and they didn't mind! At one point there were even superbowl style graphics illustrating the, um, play by play.

So that was when E decided to return from the bathroom. But she came back wearing a bathrobe. And we weren't in a hotel/brothel/whatever we were in a kitchen, all alone. It was a nice kitchen. Reminded me of Diane Keaton's kitchen in Somthing's Got to Give (hmmmm, bizzare aside again, her character in that movie was named remarkably similarly to E...only a letter away really). Anyway, she came into the kitchen and moved behind the island, but once she got there, she was in a black, semi-sheer nighty. And she looked at me and said "I'm sorry I didn't say I love you in the car, but I was too tired." A line which totally baffled me, both in the dream and now.

But I said "That's okay, I know how tired you were". So apparently dream-me wasn't baffled.

Then I was beside her, and I kissed her. And the first thought I had was "I've ruined it, she's supposed to kiss me first". But she smiled and giggled and grabbed my left thigh, giving it a squeeze. Then she moved her hand over, gave that a squeeze, gave me a big smile then went off to the bathroom (what is this with E and bathrooms??) to brush her teeth, since it was bedtime.

She went in to the bathroom (handily, right off the kitchen) and now she was wearing a pair of fuzzy warm red flannel pajamas. But the dream started changing again, because as she started brushing one of the directors from work came in, also brushing, and wearing the same red pajamas! E started fading out...and then A woke me up. (which is probably just as well really)

This director has shown up a few times as just a face, just a passing (but identifiable) person in my dreams. I'm not sure what his role is in my life. I don't really get along with him, but also I don't know him very well. It does make me wonder.

And I suspect that much of the E stuff is wish fulfillment. All I know for sure is that it's really nice to see her. I mean, I know it's only a dream, but it still always makes me so happy to see her. It's like the 3 Doors Down song Here Without You, which always makes me think of her.

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me


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