Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Mob Scene

Strange, half remembered, terribly disjointed dream last night.

I was in a car, and my dad was driving. We were in China and there were two other people in the car, though I don't know who they were. I knew them at the time, but not anymore. As we were driving, dad said something about the trunk. I looked back and sure enough the trunk was open! But through the cracks and stuff, I could see a mob of Chinese following the car. I wondered if they were looting the trunk, but I also knew there was nothing in there. But they were hot on our bumper and dad couldn't shake 'em.

Then things changed and it gets a bit blurry. I remember being at a table, in some sort of hall. It was like an exhibit hall of some sort. And I was sitting with someone from work. It may have been a woman. And then the lady who's the PL of our wellness group came over and offered me the last chocolate in the box she had. It was big and flat and looked like a camera battery made out of chocolate. The box was beautiful, all fuzzy red velour and stuff. Very snazzy, obviously high end chocolate. I wondered aloud about the type of chocolate and if I'd like it. She said that it was lemon filled (which is one of my favorites!), so I happily took it. Then she said "oh thank God that's gone, now I'm done." And that's really all I can remember.

I'm not sure why people from work are showing up giving me chocolates. And I have no idea why I was being chased (but not in a bad, scary way, more like a cheering throng than a vengeful mob). I wonder if the Chinese chasers had anything to do with E's rude old Chinese ladies?

Oh, and that reminds me. I know I had a dream with E in it again. But as has happened before I have no recollection of what the dream was. Only her presence, her face, her smile and the warm feeling it left.

I'll happily take what I can get.


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