Friday, February 25, 2005

Getting out and getting a job

It was finals time. I was back at high school and taking my finals. I sat down and looked at the test, and really, I found the questions to be nonsensical at the time, but I also knew I could answer them. I knew I'd do okay on the test.

Then the test was done, without any sense of having written it, though I knew I'd passed it. I was talking to someone about my future. They were telling me that I'd have to change jobs. They said that I couldn't stay on the position I was at, so I'd really have to go out and find a new position number to get myself moved to. It wasn't that I was being fired or anything, no, it was more that I needed to move on. That was it exactly, I was being told it was time to move on. But it was okay, because I knew exactly where I could go to...the web group. Yeah! It was obvious. I could go to the web group where I knew I'd fit perfectly and I hoped they'd be happy to have me. So I went up to the third floor and saw the sign for "web group" which lead up to the fourth floor, which was more like an attic when I got there. But up there it was like a kindergarten. There were all these classrooms for little kids, but they were empty of anyone. Finally, I found another hallway which lead down to more grown up rooms, which was where the web staff was supposed to be, but I was early or something, because there was no one there either. Those rooms were empty too. But as I continued down the hall, I came out to a rotunda (really high and airy and very nice, with marble floors and big picture windows and those neat mica shaded lights), where there was a coffee shop with a big seating area. So I figured I'd sit down there and wait for a while to meet whoever it was I was waiting to meet.

So, what came next may be either another dream, or a continuation of the same one, I can't tell. However it went, I was in the car. In California. I was driving along, and the cell rang. It was S and she was telling me I needed to buy food for the dog. And the handiest part of it all was the fact that I was pulling into the parking lot at the mall, right in front of the "Dog and Cat Food Store" (literally, that's what the sign said, in big red letters). And I decided that I'd go in and buy the dog the best darn dog food I could find because the dog deserved it! I knew S would be ticked off with me for doing it, but I didn't really give a damn, it was what I was going to do anyway.

And then I woke up.


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