Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Racecar turns

I was driving...in a sports car. It was a neat little sports car, white, much like A's toy cars with the friction motors. I was pealing along a wide, open, well paved road. Dispite the fact that it was a one seat car, S and A were in the back seat and S kept telling me wrong directions. She kept preventing me from making the turn I needed to make. I was going to London and in order to get there I had to turn right. I went past two turnoffs, and then as I was going by a third, I knew I had to take it or else it would be a long and arduous and roundabout trip to get to London. So I was able to make a u-turn and catch the turnoff anyway and soon I was zooming up another wide open, spacious freeway. S faded away in the back seat and it was me and A.

Then, next thing I knew, I was somewhere with water. There was a wide body of open water and I was getting onto a barge of some sort. The barge was filled with murky stagant water, and there was a bargee of some sort. I was reluctant to get in, but I knew I had to, so I went in (up to my knees) and we started bailing and getting the thing all cleaned up for our trip. I knew, I could see in my mind, the clean sparkling barge ready to go.

There was a commotion, though, because there was a child swimming (I think he was swimming?) in the water, and these skeletal hands reached out and grabbed him and I think was trying to pull him under. The boy was kicking and screaming. And I don't remember how he was rescued, but I do remember him being "okay" after this. Don't know any details though.

That's all I remember of the dream. I think there may have been more but A had woke me up at that point I think coughing and crying. So did I just dodge the bullet by getting teh AMORC stuff in now? Did I just happen to avoid the really arduous journey if I'd not applied right now? And what does that little boy in the skeletal hands bode? Not good I think....

10pm same day... Had another thought about the whole "missed turn" thingy. I've begun to wonder if perhaps the missed turns were in fact past lives, not missed turns in this life. Because, honestly, I'm not sure what turns I'd missed so far. I'm not saying that I think I've done perfectly or anything, but I can't see any real big turns that I missed. But I do think that if I'd not done the AMORC thing that I woulda missed out bigtime and blown it again. Just speculation on my part though. The skeletal hands still bother me.


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