Saturday, February 26, 2005

A wrong turn?

It was a pretty quiet night last night...not much going on, but for one dream.

In this one, I was travelling somewhere. And for some reason, a 'shortcut' could be taken through this area which was a sort of "controlled" area. There were guards and stuff, and it was some sort of combination campus, industrial center type place. I remember I asked permission to pass through and they gave me a happy "Sure, no problem", but while I was there, they started getting upset with me. I think I'd started saying or doing things they didn't like. So they sent guards after me. At one point I had guards and employees chasing me, but they were really androids, not people. From somewhere I got a rifle, a really neato, high tech, sniper rifle, and started shooting at the guards (but only after they'd started shooting at me). They never touched me, but I kept them at bay. At another point I was swinging from where an android was trying to grab me, and I managed to get onto the top of something so they couldn't get me. All I was really trying to do was escape.

The strangest aspect of it all, was the total emotional detachment I felt at the situation. I felt no fear, not excitement, no anxiety, nothing. Just workaday activity, one step after the other, do this do that, you'll get out eventually.

If this wasn't a "work" dream, I don't know what is. I mean, this is so very much how I feel there. Assailed by robots, chased down for things I say and do that 'rock the boat'. I'm sorry, I 'solve problems' not 'find opportunities'...unless those opportunities I find are to solve problems...

Oh well, at least I can keep the robots at bay!


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