Monday, March 07, 2005

Resistance is futile!

Well, no it's not, but it was part of last night's dreamscape....

Actually there was a series of dreams...but again, I can't remember a thing about them today. I do remember waking up and being able to make sense of it last night, even to the point of attributing meaning to them, and yes, I was awake enough to be lucid too. But then, this morning, *poof* gone.

The only thing I've got, is a WWII dream. I was a soldier, behind enemy lines. I was on a mission to get some sort of a trinket that had a hidden something inside it. At first I was crossing streets in China, with really busy traffic, but later it changed to be off in some campus type space. I was handed these two cameo style things, that started off as earrings but became big plaques (about the size of a deck of cards). They were terracotta colored. One was the "real one" and the other had the embedded "whatsit" which I think was electronic in nature.

So I had both of them in my pocket and I was in uniform, but I was also disguised as a German somehow. And while I was walking with my team (two other guys) we passed a German patrol who just ignored us. Guess we blended. One of the things was broken when I got it out of my pocket, but the guy with me who looked like Col Hogan (Hogan's Heroes) fixed it with his lighter because it was like wax or plastic or something.

And that's it. I'm not sure where I was going or why, or what the whatsit was. But it seems like a work dream....I'll give it more thought and see what I come up with....


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