Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Ghosts and ghosts

Two of note...it was three, but the first had been forgotten but muscled its way in first thing one waking up, displacing the last one...so back down to two.

First up, I was taking A to find a daycare. J was with me, but wasn't *connected* iykwim, she was just sorta along for the ride. We went to the place, a big house on a dark street (and it was night). In the basement there were all these kids playing hockey and A happily joined in with them. Then the game ended and it was time for everyone to go home.

Next thing I knew, J and I were alone in a room that was sparsely furnished, but all in antiques. The whole room was creepy. We were waiting for someone. On the table there I saw a bicorn hat, but it was sorta "disassembled". I picked it up and tried it on, then J suggested I assemble it and put it on that way. So I did, and when I did it became more of a "ship-shaped" hat, now in white wicker rather than black felt. There was an old mirror there, so I looked at myself in it, and at first, I couldn't see me! I didn't appear! I thought the mirror was haunted. Then I shuffled to the side and there I was. But as I watched, I saw another me, this one wearing a naval uniform that was torn, or somehow not right, stepping down from a pulpit. I/he'd just appeared there, took the steps and disappeared! It was a ghost, who looked just like me. I asked J if she'd seen it, but no, she hadn't.

Then whoever it was we were waiting for was coming, so I quickly closed up the hat and tried to put it back where it was. Now it folded closed into a box....

The next one started with two uniformed soldiers on a deserted surbuban street. They were in combat fategues and going from their Bradley AVF toward another one. The other one was deserted and the soldiers were unarmed. They got to the second Bradley, and now I became one of the soldiers. I was junior to the other one, who was a black lady. She was working on the Bradley, trying to get it running.

I started getting nervious in the neighbourhood, and she was too. I asked her about getting our sidearms, and before I'd finished asking she agreed. I dug out the guns (though I don't remember this part, we just suddenly had them) and she strapped hers on.

Then it was like watching a movie on fast forward. Something happened, shooting started (she started it), and in the end I saw both of them hanging upside down, dead.

Suddenly it was back to normal, and I was just strapping on my gun. It was like I was getting a "second chance" or a "second viewing" or something. Like the first was *her* choice, and this one was *my* choice. So I strapped on the gun and urged her to keep working, slowly and carefully and I was going to do everything I could to not start shooting. Because I knew that if I was the one to start it, I wouldn't be the one to end it, but if I could avoid starting it, no one else would either.

And that's all I remember....


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