Saturday, April 14, 2007

Playing at war

Even though it was from the same night as the previous entry this one was strange enough, and strong enough, that I thought it warrented its own entry here in the dream keep. (Yeah, like velcro bacon ain't wierd right?) I'm going to keep the same style as the last too, putting dream moods cut-ins at appropriate times.

I was at Dad's place and there was a big group of us there. I'm pretty certain that E was there too. It was night time and we were all outside. There was some sort of commotion that got everyone's attention and I ran down the lawn to the street with everyone following. Despite the fact that dad's on a crescent, his street was now a long straight through type affair and there was a military column coming toward us!

[To see a soldier in your dream, signifies you may be preparing yourself do battle over an issue and defend your values and opinions.]

On top of that there was a string of WWII fighters landing on the street. They were, I knew somehow, Zero fighters (Japanese, in case you don't know). In fact all of the military hardware was WWII vintage.

[To see an airplane in your dream, indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise above to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness.
To dream of a seeing zero, signifies absolute freedom and super-consciousness. Zero may be synonymous with the symbol of a circle, which stands for infinity and completeness. It could also warn you that you are going around in circles or that you have nothing.
Zero denotes timelessness, super-conscious, eternity, and absolute freedom. It also symbolizes God. ]

Then I was up on a balcony or something, it was old and wooden. I was with someone, a man, and we were both in WWII American uniforms (complete with ties! Hey, wait, there's that tie thing again....) We looked down the alley the balcony was over, and there at the end of the alley was an automated machinegun platform (one of ours) firing away at someone or something down the way. But I also knew it was just for show. But it kept firing all the same, and I could see the bullets feeding in and the flashes of the fire really clearly.

[To see a bullet or bullets in your dream, indicates anger and aggression directed at you or someone else.
To see a robot in your dream, indicates that you are going about life in a mechanical and rigid way. You have lost the ability to express your feelings.
To see an alley in you dream, suggests that you have limited options. Alternatively, it indicates that you may be sidetracked due to domestic duties and find yourself in a dilemma.]

Then it was daytime and I was in camp, again American, and sitting with these two other guys who were in uniform (still WWII). Though this time I didn't seem to be. They were both reading and eating something, but the one fellow I was very interested in what he was reading. I asked him what it was, and he said to me "well, you'll see it eventually" and handed it to me. It was a newspaper, a military one, "Stars and Stripes" (which I don't know if they even still publish). I didn't see what the story was or the headline, just the title of the paper. (I wonder if this was just my logical brain filling in details)

[To see newspapers in your dream, signifies that new light and insight will be shed on a problem that has been on your mind. You are seeking knowledge and answers to a problem.
To see stars in your dream, signifies your desire for fame and fortune. Stars also symbolize fate and luck.
To see stripes in your dream, suggests that you are making a bold and daring statement.]

And that was it. But it was so insistant and so clear. Through the whole day, I've not forgotten a detail of the whole dream. I wonder why this one is so insistant?


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