Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tunnelling to England

E and I were going to England, by way of a tunnel under the Atlantic. Ambitious some might say, and I'd be inclined to agree, especially since we were walking. E didn't even have Fred along with her!

The tunnel, luckily, was wide and airy and nicely painted but with a slightly "institutional" look to it. I think there were golf carts that were whizzing around but we were definitely walking. We passed through a door or arch and passed a sign that said we were at the half way point to England.

"See," I pointed out to E, "we're almost there. Don't give up now, we'll be there soon."

We carried on for a while longer then saw a sign for a Walmart. Okay, yeah, a Starbucks would've made more sense. I mean they are on the bottom of the ocean already aren't they? But no, this was a Walmart. Guess they shut down the mermaid town or something. E and I decided to pause for a drink or some sort of refreshement, in the McD's there I think.

I went to buy something but they only took English money (guess we'd made it much closer to Old Blighty since they only took pounds eh?) So I dug into my pocket and pulled out all my money, which was just a bunch silver coins. My bill for whatever it was I wanted (either a coffee or a coke) was 70p. I had a couple of "half crown" coins, but they told me that wasn't enough. I thought it was, but they told me it wasn't. (a half crown was a real coin and worth two shillings and sixpence or 2s 6d, which works out to 30p each, so they were right, it wasn't enough...silly me, close but not quite there...hmmm much like the tunnel too, hmmmmmm)

There was something in there before we left for England about cutting a new car out of tin. It was a toy car, pre-made and just needing to be popped out of the tin sheets and assembled. I don't remember much more about it than that and I have no clue how it fits into the tunnel to England dream either.

But why England? I'm not sure at all.


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