Saturday, December 30, 2006

Read Her Lips

There was the end of one dream that I don't remember, and the start of another that I do....

The one that ended, ended with me on my old street in Toronto, talking to someone in a red minivan. They were up near where the MacDonald's place was, but the street was all clear, no houses, no trees, just this minivan in the driveway. And they weren't a neighbour, they were a co-worker of some sort. They called to me something to the effect of "Drive safely". My reply was "I have to watch for children now".

That somehow lead to me, E and D's sister in a big open white room, all clean and barren but for bright flouesent lights and high school desk/chair thingys. Oh and a pair of bigass pillars. It actually reminded me of the tenth floor at work. Anyway, the three of us basically looked at each other and said "so this is how we're gonna do it, right?" and we agreed. Then I grabbed E and we started backing away past a pillar. D's sister lept out from behind the pillar at us. I threw myself between her and E and we started wrestling and fighting. But the whole time we were chatting like a pleasant conversation.

Eventually I got her pinned to the wall, and for some reason we had rulers and pens in our hands. E snatched a pen out of my hand. She then wrote, on D's sister's upper lip, in red ballpoint ink "Bil this means good bye". It even looked like E's handwriting. But it wasn't Bil that the message was intended for, but rather D.

D's sister wasn't too happy about this, but as I let her up it was okay. I said to her, "remember to tell him we drew lots for how to tell him, and this is what came up".

"Yeah," E added, "we agreed."

E and I went one way, D's sister went another.


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