Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dining Out

I was going to a restaurant, with someone....Scott maybe? I did get an email that mentioned him a few days ago so maybe. And we did used to go out to restaurants all the time, a lifetime ago, so that'd fit too.

[From good ol' dream moods: A restaurant indicates that you are seeking for emotional nourishment outside of your social support system.]

So I was there with someone, and we were early. The place had just opened for the night and they hadn't put up the tables yet. It was a small place, the size of a living room or a living/dining in an apartment, with billowy curtains over the windows. I looked away for a second and then poof there were tables!

[Dream moods says: To see a table in your dream, represents social unity and the potential for a meeting or gathering. It refers to your social and family connections. If the table is broken or not functional, then it suggests some dissension in a group. Perhaps there is something you cannot hold inside any longer and need to bring it out in the open.]

I was seated and given a menu that I didn't look at, and there was a waitress who was decorating the new tables. She was tying on these slices of precooked bacon, that had velcro on them so you can attach them together to look like bows. They were inedible too. I remarked on them to the girl as she stuck them onto the table, pondering what they'd be listed as in a catalog for some reason.

[Dream moods again: To see a waitress in your dream, suggests that you are in need of nurturance and to feel special.
To see bacon in your dream, symbolizes essentials, staples, and life's supply.]

No word on velcro....


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