Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Food, glorious food!

Busy night last night, but there seemed to be a common theme going on -- food!

The first one I remember involved living in the future. I mean it was a Jetsons-like future, all automatic this and robotic that. The house was on the ground floor, but again, very Jetsons-like, rounded wall with open windows all around. The house was all in white and I was in the dining room. There were people at the table, but I’m not sure who they were. They were all eating fish, whole fish, of some sort. Big fish too! They showed me where they’d come from – under our feet! The floor was ice, perfect, clear ice, and though the ice I could see the same big fish as were on the table, all swimming around. They were in packages though, with tags on them. I remember thinking how neat it was and what work it must have taken to grow fish in packages like that. I know, it’s bizarre. There was a hole in the floor too, which is where the fish had come from.

Notes: Ice on clear water – overcome opposition, hole in the ice – fears are groundless, the future – an unexpected life change, fish swimming – personal wealth and power, food fish of strange species – increase in social activity and prestige

The next one didn't have any food it.

In this one it was the past, not the future. It was a Victorian time, and I was in a new house of some sort. It was a big house too with grounds and all that stuff. I had my family with me, and by my family I mean some group of people who I’m not at all sure who they were. It’s possible that my wife was the blonde who’s been showing up off and on. I know that I had a boy (or two they were like twins, around 8-ish maybe) and there was a beautiful girl, she was maybe 15 or so with long brown hair.

So there I was with my family, in my high collar and black vest, and there were people at the gate. They were like peasants or something, and there seemed to be something “wrong” with them. I’m not sure what, nothing I could put my finger on that’s for sure. So I opened the gate and they gave me a set of keys to open the “Jesus hole” on the property. They key fob was a gnarled hand, which strangely enough I took without hesitation or reservation. It was even warm.

We went to this shed (it was a beautiful sunny summer’s day, but not hot, and the shed was in the garden, which was filled with trees and grass all in July perfection). The Jesus hole was underneath this big black iron door, which was cast with all of these strange designs and shapes in it. I used the keys I’d been given to unlock four locks on the corners, but I knew it’d be dark inside, so I sent someone (it was either my daughter or my wife, or both) to get a lantern so we could see. After I twisted open the locks I pushed the door slightly aside and then was waiting for the lantern before I opened it the rest of the way.

Notes: Jesus – fortitude and consolation in adversity, lantern – this can actually mean sex (if you can believe it) also unexpected wealth and fortunate dealings, iron – strength and steady advancement, gnarled hand – easement of financial worries, keys – given keys means help from influential friends, historical - can be an omen to be ready for a forutnate change in circumstances in the near future

The last one (well that I remember anyway) involved a reception. I was going into a room, a big ballroom of some sort, filled with tables that were covered with the most lavish and beautiful food! It was for a huge reception, and for some reason I associate the place with my dream Rand, though I can’t say why. I was with a party again, there were several of us, though I’m not sure who anyone else was. We took a big table, near the long long line of white cloth covered food tables. And then I went and *pigged right out*! Man I ate like a fiend! It was all so good, but I don’t remember the taste of anything, just the eating. And no matter how much I ate, I could always eat more.

I remember late in the dream that someone said something about saving some for later, so I did. I stuffed some food into a ziploc and set it aside. My sister was there with me, but it wasn’t my sister. Then I spotted these little cakes. They were exactly what I wanted. I started eating them off the platter (they were bite sized) and while I knew they were lemon, I didn’t actually taste them.

Notes: Reception – recognition for efforts and work, cake – satisfaction in business and personal affairs and eating it is especially lucky, food – an auspicious omen often related to emotional affairs or love, food can be fulfilment, bag – a full bag (as it was in this case) can be an omen of fulfilment of most heartfelt wishes

I know there were other dreams too, but I don’t remember anything there. The only images I hold with me are those of food and eating. It’s no wonder I woke up hungry this morning! Or maybe it’s a surprise I still had a pillow... :-)


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