Saturday, April 30, 2005

Aussie news

I was on the road last night. Not literally but, travelling anyway. I found myself in Australia, though it looked somewhat more like Bangladesh or Delhi. I think someone said it was Melbourn. I remember seeing streetcars go by and lots of people on the street, many of whom I think were Indian.

I stopped at a news stand to pick up a paper. The news stand seemed primitive, like it was in an old fly bitten building, with institutional green walls and again, more Indians. The desk was crowded but I got up to see their papers. Looking through the titles, I finlly found one I was interested in, so I picked it up and handed over a traveller's cheque to pay for it. The cheque was worth $123, and they tried to make change, but all I got back was some 10's. They told me to go see someone to get more (the rest) of my change.

I ended up in a store, or more likely a marketplace. It wasn't a regular store, it was a massive open air market, with a roof that was more like a tent. The section I was in was filled with wooden shelving (all seeming very old and worn) and they were covered with toys and model trains and the like. I started looking for a nice train for me, peeked around the corner and saw the whole wall was *filled* with trains! There were *hundreds* of them! The choice was endless, and I could have any that I wanted, since I knew I had all sorts of money! And the whole time there was a little Indian boy standing off to the side, waiting and watching me.

So does this mean that my hobby store has finally come down in price enough to buy from? And the newspaper means that I'll be getting "good news" of some sort.

The whole Indian thing I find interesting and slightly disturbing. Way back, months ago, E had a dream, and in that one she found me searching ruins after a storm for my A, but the boy I was looking for was Indian. I have no idea what to make of it...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Brown bagging it, H2O style

I remember being at a resort. It was a very nice resort, old fashioned. 1930's maybe? I vaguely remember people in period dress too. Golf togs maybe. I remember looking out a second story window down on an old open top roadster on the gravel drive.

I was looking for a bag, a bag with a particular tag on it. It was a numbered tag, on the end of the bag. The bags were all big paper ones, with neat herringbone checks on them in dark colors. In the bags were water. Don't ask, I have no idea how the water stayed in the bags, but it did. I was looking in this stack of bags in the closet, but couldn't find the one I needed. I knew it was in there, it was just a matter of finding where it'd gotten to.

Then I was looking at something else. Pipes? A light? Something. And it was covered in spider webs. I brushed the webs away to get a better access, and then found a spider on my arm. It was smallish and purple, and started running down my arm. I brushed at it, since I'm terrified of spiders in real life, and it hunkered down on my arm, but that was okay too....

Then I woke up and never did get back to sleep.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Last night, the thing I can remember was starting on a bus. I was on a bus, in the evening, with my blonde companion, and we were travelling somewhere. Turned out to be in Los Angeles, because we went past a building that the ladies behind us commented on being the "only synagogue in LA". It was a big building in art deco style and lit by orange floodlights. We drove on for a while and I moved forward on the bus to sit at the front. The bus had stopped and my friend the bus driver was kissing his wife as she took over the driving of the route. We went one more stop and then my companion and I got off.

Where we got off was a residential area. There was a whack of teens sitting on a lawn of an old house. Nearby was a van, parked with the back doors open. We climbed in somehow thinking it was like a bus, but inside were all these children. They were Mexican or maybe East Indian, and they were all handcuffed together and to the floor with black handcuffs. There was a woman driving the van, and I was going to jump her, but my companion said it was dangerous, maybe she had a gun. I looked around, and could see that there was scrap between the kids and the door, so obviously she'd been hiding them, and she was going to sell them into slavery. I had to do something. So I lept! I landed right on her (in the driver's seat) and stopped the van, capturing her for right and goodness. She turned over he keys as the police were taking her away, and I started going through the ring of keys to open all the handcuffs and release the kids.

Then I was at school, where I'd been trying to get to the whole time (I guess). And I was getting my assignment. I'd volunteered to do an essay with a more difficult topic than the other students. There were a few of us, and mine was the third topic to come up. I'd gotten "Rush in Asia". I had to do an essay on what the band Rush would've been like had they been from Asia. And the teacher went to great lengths to explain some of the things I should think of when writing this essay. I have no idea about the rest of it, but I do understand this bit belive it or not. I'm not 100% (I mean Rush??) but I undrestand enough I think. And I understand where the lesson is leading....

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Was it murder?

Just a strange fragment from last night...

I was investigating a murder. But not a recent murder, sort of. I was investigating who killed Pope Gregory. This had been the "last pope" (not really obviously) but the only images of him I had were old frescoes and the like. In the dream, I was looking at the fresco of him, which showed, I suppose, his death. The painting depticted him with a blue cord wrapped tightly around his neck, with a cross on it. It was thought, in one of those historical mysteries, to be what killed him, but was it an accident or strangulation?

I looked to my companion, the mysterious blonde, who was *also* wearing that self same blue cord and cross! Mystery solved! Obviously it was just a fashion or religious item of clothing that had somehow done in the hapless Pope. Case closed.

And no, this one I have no interpretation for....

Monday, April 25, 2005


I was with my mom, and we were getting a diagnosis for her. I was so glad, because it was a long long time coming, and now we'd finally be able to put a name to whatever it was she had. The doctor was able to give us a name to her problem, and talked about how much trouble she has, how tough it is, how much pain she's in constantly. I had a new admiration for my mother, and the difficulty she'd been through. To show my appreciation I was taking her somewhere.

We then met up with her long lost brother. He was described to me that way, not as my uncle but as her brother. The word uncle never even entered my thoughts. So mom talked with him and had a nice visit. I think it was at a picnic table we were all sitting and talking. Mom felt much better, having seen her brother, and talked to him, and together they decided on something though I'm not sure what it was. I know it was good.

Then someone came over and played with a switch on a thing on the wall, which turned on the air conditioning. He then tried to pass between two chairs, but couldn't so he turned around and went another way. We all thought it was very strange, until we felt the cool air from the conditioner (all outside of course) and then we were more comfortable.

We got up and started walking. Mom and her brother parted ways and he wandered off with a wave. We kept walking and I saw a small grove of trees, a tiny forest really. I recognized it from my childhood. I wanted to go walk the forest, but couldn't just yet. And then I was just overcome with the fact that I was with mom again, and it was so nice. I started crying, and woke up.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


There was a dream last night that seemed to be continuing. I say this because it started out, I woke up at one point (I think A woke me up) and then I went back to sleep and it was on again.

It was more of a movie type dream than a participatory type dream. I was watching an adventure taking place, but a real adventure, not a film one. And I was "there" in person if that makes any sense. The adventure I was watching was the X-men fighting -- someone. I have no idea who. And now that I think about it, I think I was a participant as well. I seem to remember that I was Wolverine. I seem to remember extending my claws and cutting someone free. I think it was one of those ones where it dodged back and forth between me watching and me being. Anyway, we were fighting, and I was (sometimes) Wolvie, and we were really knocking heads. The villians were all human, and I remember practically nothing about where we were fighting either, but I suspect it was some sort of house.

I also remember watching my favorite X-girl knock heads too. Rogue was at her punchiest best, floating in mid-air and bashing bad guys. She was always my favorite, and she was everything my dream that I could have hoped for. Beautiful, strong, agressive, intelligent. And I knew that we were a team. We were working together, in concert, toward a common goal and an common end.

Hmm, and an analysis? Why did I have and then remember this dream? I suspect that it wasn't really the X-men. I actually think (and I realize this may be a bit of a stretch here, but bear with me), I think that it was really E and I. The whole team thing felt right. The fact that Rogue has always been an image of beauty for me, like E. And at the same time, Rogue is also fragile, injured, she's someone who has problems (I guess you could class them as medical?) that really effect her to her core, but she doesn't let them get her down. She's able to work past them, through them, and in the dream was using them to distinct advantage. See, it all reminds me of E.

And okay, I'll be the first to admit that the image of me as Wolverine is downright comical. He's long been a favorite of mine as well, but I mean, c'mon, there's no way in hell that's me. Just the idea gives me a giggle. Physically at least. Character wise, however, I can see some similarities. Wolvie is Canadian (ok, there's lots of us, I know, but it's true!) and he can take great pain and hurt, and keep fighting, keep going. He's also someone who feels alienated but just about the whole world. He feels like he's alone, that there's no one and nothing in the world that can understand. Well, almost nothing and no one. Except for Rogue. I remember back in the day when I was an avid reader (the good days for X-Men) he and Rogue got on because they understood each other and worked well together.

Okay, I'm sure that all sounds crazy, but it's all I can think of. And why did I have it? What's it trying to tell me? I have no idea. That Wolvie and Rogue are knocking heads and that the team is strong? We're gonna defeat the bad guys? I hope so.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Swords and watery

Two that I remember at least chunks of from last night.

In the first(?) one, I was somewhere that seemed like a cross between a museum or an art gallery and a kitchen. There was a long hallway and coming down the hallway was a gorilla of a man. He was big, broad, bullet-headed and very very mad. And he was coming for me. In between us was a girl. A beautiful little blonde angel, who reminded me very very much of a young E I've seen in pictures. She was upset, or perhaps injured, with head hung. I was there to defend her, protect her from the gorilla, since she was involved in what he was angry about, but at the same time she was sort of ignoring me.

So there I stood, with sabre in hand, waiting for the arrival of the gorilla and I needed the girl out of the way. So I tapped her in the head with my sword (the flat part, thanks very much). But she kept ignoring me. So I tapped her again a couple of times. Then finally she paid attention. And somehow by then, the gorilla had vanished.

In the second, I was with a Wilfred Brimley type at some sort of Texas outback shack. We were doing something with putting out fires, though what I can't remember. And there was a hose that was spraying water all over the garage floor. I also vaguely remember something with a bed covered in socks and underwear (clean, thankfully). But it's really all a jumble and I'm not sure what to make of any of it.

Friday, April 22, 2005


More fragments. Nothing that made any sense, or could be remembered.

I think I was too tired to sleep decently anyway.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


I was having an argument. With someone. They kept changing. Sometimes it was S, sometimes it was "someone" (dark hair, that dark haired woman from my former dreams?), then at the end of the dream it was my mom. And really it wasn't an argument, so much as me venting. And ranting, can't forget ranting.

What was I ranting/venting/arguing about? There was something about A for one thing. In the dream he was "gone", but where I'm not sure. It was like he was in limbo. And I was telling S (it was S at this point) that I was willing to go after him, even if she wasn't. I'd give it all up, I said, I'd go to limbo to get him and bring him back, without question and why wasn't she? How did she let him get there in the first place. (aside: I vaguely remember knowing what happened to he'd gotten to Limbo...the dream before perhaps?)

Then it was this other woman, and I was asking her how she could be happy when she hadn't tried it yet. What "it" was, I'm still not sure, but that was my question. Something about if she hadn't been there how could she know and how could she decide. I'm still confused by this bit.

Then she became my mom. And I was asking her something. I don't even remember what. All I remember is her sitting there in her pink housecoat.

And then I woke up...disturbed by it all.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Prison fragments

Not much from last night, though it was a busy time....all that remains are small chunks and fragments. Actually, come to think of it, I think it was all seen in fragments, that really made no sense at the time.

There was something about two guys escaping from prison.
There was something about a segment of the Tonight Show, but related to me somehow.

Hmmm, and now that's really all I can think of.

The whole prison break thing is a standard of mine, apparently. The Tonight Show, however, is competely new.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Cleaning up!

I was back at school again, but this time I was only a half student. I was going to class, but I didn't need to be there, and the teacher was surprised I was even there. So somehow I left the class and ended up at a reception for the Premier. He was a black man, named "Black", and somehow I related that to a historical prime minister, back during the war, named black. I told him that and he seemed quite pleased, like it was a compliment to him.

Then I was a janitor, cleaning up the school. I was mopping, and I took my mop and bucket down a ramp, which was a spiral ramp, all the way to the bottom. I counted off as I went, the number of buckets it'd take to clean the ramp and came out to (I think) 55. Then I started cleaning.

The janitor and the cleaning have some meaning about making changes. Cleaning out the old, starting with the new. I'm not sure what's going to happen when I hit the top of the ramp, when my 55 buckets are all done. And I'm not sure where the "Black" (and black) fellow comes in. That's a couple of times now that I've seen negroes show up in my dreams. I have no idea what that means.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Not quite yet

I was at a garage sale, or was it a hobby shop, or was it both? I was there at least, and shopping. I was alone, and I'd driven there from my dingy basement apartment in my car, which was actually my dad's old burgundy Chrystler Valient. It may have been winter, because I was dressed in a heavyish coat and colorful toque of some sort. I may have been in Toronto, but I'm not sure.

I started browsing the aisles and looking for something good for games. There I found a whack of great Star Wars figures, all painted and in scale! But very expensive. Not as bad as $20 dice, but still more than my cheap bastard of a self will pay. As I was going through them I noticed that they seemed to have been marked down a few times, and the thought was that they'd come down further still. When they were cheaper, it would be time to buy. They were almost there, but not quite yet.

Then I was outside, crossing a parking lot. I think it was the one behind the Rogers at Bank and Hunt Club. As I walked I saw E go by on the sidewalk. I didn't say anything, she didn't see me. She looked a bit different from what she does now (and here), but still beautiful. I watched her go, and then she realized the bus was coming, so she turned around and ran back the other way to catch the bus (yeah right! I know E doesn't run for buses! Neither do I...) and I just watched her go.

The only commentary is that it looks like "the price" is coming down. Going to be time to buy soon I think.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

How'd I do?

Figments and fragments last night.

The one I remember best involved being somewhere and they were giving the marks back. They were posting them on a board in the middle of this room, and there were scads of people milling about. Kids maybe? I can't remember. I think it was almost like a mall in the arrangement of the place. And I think there was a picture window looking out on a green treed yard.

They posted a sheet, and someone said "final marks". I looked at the sheet, a single leaf of orange 8.5x11. I couldn't make heads or tails out of what was written on it. I mean it was english letters and numbers, but it didn't make any sense. All I could see was that nothing lept out to say it was me or mine and I wondered if that meant I'd failed in some way. But failed what I'm not sure. On the whole it didn't make much sense overall, and I wonder if it was just some sort of anxiety dream, especially since it's all so hazy and I could barely remember it when I woke up. I usually relate the importance and "reality" of the dream to how vivid it was and how well I retain it. I still remember the figure from the KKV dream. Clear as day. And E in the bedroom. Just like it was last night's dream. So yeah, I'll class this one as "foggy" and "faded".

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Sugar is sweet...

The first dream has only one remaining image. Sugar. I remember a cup or bowl of sugar being passed around. I vaguely remember a construction worker holding the bowl of sugar but I knew it was my sugar, or at least that I was going to get the bowl.

The next dream involved me driving somewhere. I was driving a car full of friends from work and we were on our way somewhere. I was driving and they were all chattering in the back seat, and I was basically ignoring them, but we were all having a nice time. I looked out the window and I realized I was driving over the Golden Gate bridge! I said aloud but to myself "Huh, the Golden Gate. When was the last time I drove over the Golden Gate?" (real life answer? never) I could see Alcatraz from where I was driving (the SF side), and I could see different levels of traffic and ramps down to them, but I was on the top one.

Then I was in an office of some sort (still with the work buddies). And they (and I) were given big tubs of lego. It was a gift of some sort and we were supposed to take them away and play with them. G was taking hers for her grandson, and I was going to share mine with A.

There was a third dream, but all I remember of that is that there was a car. I unlocked the car for all of us to get into so we could go somewhere (whoever all of us was) and I think I was being chased...but I can't remember any of the details. I chalk that one up to "just a dream".

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Changing batteries

It was a dead silent night last night, until just before 6am. I mean, no dreams, nothing, other than my son waking up at 1:20 and calling for his friend, but then we all settled back to sleep. Then, just at dawn, I had a short snippet.

I was at a store of some sort. I'm not sure what kind of store it was, but I was there for batteries. I had a stack of batteries with me, six or so of them. So I tested four of them in the tester that was mounted over the door. You stuck two in the track on one side, and two in the track on the other, and the red lights lit up to say they were exhaused and it was time to replace them. So I was going to turn them in and get new ones of those. But I still hand these three(?) in my hands, and I was trying to figure out how to test those ones, since I needed four, and then one seemed to be a different size, so I wasn't sure how that fit in either.

But that's when I woke up.

Batteries are supposed to be an expression of your energy, but I'm not sure if that's what they were in this case. Overhead stuff is described as having to do with goals and setting them higher, but again, I'm not sure that what they are in this case. I'm actually wondering if it's not to do with things I've done/learned and that I'm sorta "trading them in" for new challenges. That's not quite right, but something along those lines. At the end of the dream, I'd rid myself of the old batteries, but hadn't gotten any new ones. In fact, I was actually looking to get rid of the other old ones rather than get new replacements. Something for me to think about anyway.

Swoon still seems to be broken. :-(

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sex and snow

The first of two dreams I remember from last night, was really quite disturbing.  I was going to bed with my ex-wife.  And when I say "going to bed", I really mean, "going to have sex with".  The funny part is that it wasn't really a dream about sex.  There was no "feeling" associated with it, no physical aspect at all (if that makes any sense), it was purely mental.

We were together, and both naked, and we started foreplay, but at the same time we were talking.  I don't honestly remember what we were talking about, but I do remember that the more we talked the less happy she got.  She seemed to be enjoying the physical aspect of things, but the mental was definitely making her not at all happy.

It was then that I noticed that the door was open, and I could see my parents in the other room.  They were ignoring us, or couldn't see us, or something, but I could see them sitting on the sofa.  I started adjusting the covers, and I'm not certain but while I was doing that, I think, for just a second, she became S.  Then it all disappeared.

The second involved me being with an actor.  I was somewhere, it was like a deserted mall or something, the location is actually quite vague.  But it was being used as a movie set.  I remember that I'd been talking to this actor earlier and he'd been saying that he wanted to be really really famous.  So famous that he'd have landmarks named after him.  He wanted an "arch" somewhere.  The actor was actually the character Danny DeVito played in "Get Shorty".

Then we were leaving the set together.  He was really really famous.  There were crowds of people around inside the mall.  He was being the "big star" as we walked, but he was saying how empty it was.  Then he said he was going to go over to see his arch (like the Arch De Triumph).

We left the mall, and went out into the parking lot.  It was night, and the world was lit by the orange glow of street lights.  There was snow coming down, lots of it.  A blizzard had started about an hour earlier, and there was already a good accumulation on the ground.  We said good night to each other, and he headed off to his limo which was waiting by the door.  I started out alone across the parking lot toward the car, and as I did, I started crying.

I woke up crying, and calling out for E in my dream.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

A soldier's stripes

Not much to report from last night. There were, of course, dreams, but what they were, I can't at all remember. There was one that I tried to commit to memory when I woke up at 2am, but even then it didn't stay with me. The only slim fragments I have are of toy soldiers, and me painting toy soldiers, but even there, the image I had is of me painting my British in American blue. I can clearly see the Napoleonic sergeant with his white stripes on his arm, but with his uniform in the sky blue of the 1840's Americans. And the funny thing is that sergeant is already painted red. I'm not sure what that means. I'm thinking that it's a cue that I should be painting more (both Americans and British), so I'm following up on that cue...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Waitin' on...

I was in high school again. Not my high school, but a high school, and in Toronto too. I was a student, but apparenly an apathetic one because I wasn't going to class and it didn't really seem to matter. In fact, practically nothing about the school part of school seemed to matter. It was like I could ignore it. But the teacher I had was one of the *big* bosses at work. So I actually wonder if school in this instance was really work. Anyway, the most important part was that I was trying to meet another student. She was coming to my school from another one, and I was supposed to meet her. But she was late, so I set out to find her. It was snowing, blizzarding, but I was headed north to find her and bring her back.

It was tough going, very slow. In fact, it was "walking in oatmeal" slow. I gather that I wasn't supposed to be going to get her, that I had to wait. So I ended up back at the school.

Then there was something about watching the Olympics. I was attending in person, and I was about the only spectator. Well, me and A. I was holding him and watching a bicycle event that involved a biker climbing a sheer glacier (on a 90 degree climb too, pretty neat). I knew that the Canadian team was beating the Chinese team.

Then there were two dreams that involved big box nets full of fish. Big healthy, hearty fish, all flapping and alive. But that's all I remember of those.

And swoon is broken right now, so I have no help with my interpretations....

Friday, April 08, 2005

Riding home

The first I remember last night, I was driving a car. It was an old car, like an old Model A, but it was smaller than normal, and it was more like a bicycle in the shape of a Model A. I was riding it home, but home was reached through the streets of LA.

I was driving along, and I saw a street sign that said something like "Wil Rogers Estates". I knew it was a "wrong turn" at the time, it wasn't where I was supposed to be but it would get me there none the less. It was a neighbourhood of moderately big houses, and as it was now evening, the lights were staring to come on. I rode further, and came to a park. In the distance, on the hills I could see big mansions with their lights on. I wanted to know what they were like inside, but at the same time I knew they were my destination. It was then that I acknowledged the "wrong turn" and knew I'd have to backtrack to find the right route. And then I noticed that there was a fence across the path, there was no way for me to get where I wanted to go by that path anyway.

My backtracking somehow found me in a house. A very nice house. It was an old fashioned place, and it seemed like an apartment or else there was a party going on. In this place I saw the floor was done in old black and white tiles, the alternating checkerboard style. Everyone was happy and friendly as I manouvered my bike/car downstairs and out to the street. I was out and riding again, headed home. For some reason I paused to look at the engine, to see if there even was one. There was, and it was the right size for the car, though the car seemed smaller than it should be, and it was red (the engine), but looked quite powerful.

And that was it.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sleeping in

I’m not sure how I got there, but it was morning, and I was in E’s bedroom. Or, more accurately, it was the bedroom E was staying in, because it wasn’t her house. Heck it wasn’t my house either, so I’m not sure where it was. I do know it was a lovely, bright, sunny room, painted white, with a big window in behind the bed. And I think there was a desk with a computer off to the left and a bookcase thingy off to the right.

She was lying in bed (on the side near the door) wearing her red pyjamas and reading something, a magazine I think. I climbed in with her and we lay there under the covers. She showed me something from the magazine, which was actually some sort of snide comment with sexual overtones that D had said to her. E was unhappy with the comment, but more in a philosophical way than any real “wounded” sense, and wanted to find out about it. So she picked up the phone and called D’s family to ask.

I was listening on a cell phone, so I heard when she got in touch with the wife of one of D’s older brothers. The woman on the phone seemed somewhat reluctant to talk about it, though she did give the impression of “oh well, that’s the way it is”.

Since E had been showing me something in the magazine, I’d moved closer to her and we were sharing a pillow. While she was talking on the phone she’d been running her fingers through my hair, which was nice.

Then the door opened and my Dad came in. I moved away from E to see what he was doing and to mention that perhaps he might want to knock before coming in. He just went over to the bookcase and started rearranging things, including a very beautiful vase that was on the shelf. Then he left and closed the door behind him and I snuggled back up to E.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

All aboard!

I was on a train. It was a passenger train, and I was a passenger, but I'm not sure where we were going. I was in a car, which as it turned out later was actually the caboose. I was having some dealings with a lady in the next car, who was running a snack bar sort of arrangement, though what sort of dealing I wasn't sure. She knew me, that much I know at least.

I remember seeing my high school friend S in the caboose. He's shown up a couple of times now, and since I've not talked to him in almost two years, I'm not entirely sure what it means, though I suspect I should be getting in contact with him. At one point I was leaving the caboose and going forward on the train, and he stayed behind to make sure that I could get back in. (darn nice of him I thought) Turned that the door was unlocked and I could get back in.

In the next car I had to run to catch the train, which even though I was on it was running ahead. It was like the walls were leaving without the car, though both were in motion. I passed the snackbar lady again, and caught the car. Then I was in a car that was E's living room. Well, not really. It wasn't their place. This one was yellow with a fireplace in the background. E was lying on the sofa watching TV in her jammies and bathrobe and D was just leaving (to go to work?). He was saying something, I think it was a rude joke maybe, and E was ignoring him. Both of them were sorta ignoring me. D didn't care, and E was waiting for him to leave before talking to me. On the TV was a show about Napoleon, who was being followed by a British officer of some sort. It turned into a sword duel, with Nappy trying to hide in a false tree (or a real tree? a hollow one?) but the Brit being too smart for him.

I'm sure there's more but that's all I can remember for now...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Luxurious vices

I found myself in a mall. I was at a checkout, buying something. Okay, I say I was buying something because I was at a checkout and I had a bag with me, but I didn’t actually buy it iykwim. The girl at the cash checked my card that I gave her, and we discussed how long I’d had it. I said it had been a year or so, but she told me it was actually four years old and I had a great deal of credit built up on it. It was some sort of gift card obviously and that was when I realized it was a book card. I looked at the card and saw that it had date stickers on it from 2001, so yup, it was four years old. And that meant I could go get a tonne of books for free!

I left the store and walked out into the mall. It was a huge mall. It must have went up seven stories and the storefronts were all ultra-colorful and shiny and the whole place was lit up like a summer’s day. I remember signs in blue, red, green, purple, pretty much any color of the rainbow, and lots of silver and mirrored surfaces everywhere. The mall itself was quite empty, though it was a normal shopping day, just there was no one there. Just like I like it.

I wandered across the open area I was in (I was on the ground floor, at one of those empty areas where they sometimes put fountains and the like. Across the way was a drug store, which I wandered into. It was then I realized I was in a winter’s coat (well, a heavy coat anyway). There was one aisle in the store basically, and this aisle was filled with chocolate. There were boxes and boxes of Christmas chocolates. Hollow Santas, liqueur chocolates, foil covered balls, chocolate of any and every description. And then at the end of the aisle there were boxes of liqueurs, gift boxes, with big bottles, some with gift glasses and the like. All in gold and royal purple colors. On the whole it was all extremely luxurious. And I was going to get something. I didn’t know what, but I could get some chocolate and some liquor if I wanted. It wasn’t that I had to or anything, but it was basically mine for the taking if I wanted it.

Wandering back up the aisle I wanted to look again and make my selection, but the way was now blocked by a black couple who were looking at the bottles and chocolates, to make their own selection. When the dream ended, I was standing waiting for them to finish up so I could scoot by and make my own selections. (they wouldn’t be long by the looks of it)

Notes: chocolate – self reward, moderate “luxury”
Alcohol – contentment and satisfaction in decisions made, success
Book – slow steady progress and a pleasant life, gaining wisdom and intelligence
Mall – invisible forces controlling life, nice stores etc mean pleasure and success
Christmas – good family and social times, new beginnings and fresh starts
Santa – getting what’s coming, naughty or nice (so what does it mean when he’s chocolate?)

Monday, April 04, 2005

The written word

Hmmm, not much remembered from last night…the only thing I do remember is writing. I was writing something…something fiction if memory serves. I don’t know what, I don’t remember anything else. All I remember is writing.

Notes: Any of the dream dictionaries say writing is about “communication” or “sending yourself a message”, but I don’t think that applies in this case. I think its dealing with writing here. I mean straight writing. Perhaps a message that I ought to get to work?

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Workin' hard?

Or hardly workin'?

All I remember from last night was construction work. Hammering wood into place and measuring wood struts. I suspect that it was a hangover from the basement work I've been up to lately. As it stands there's almost nothing I remember so...

Notes: hammer - fortunate, a satisifying achievement is in store

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Keep on truckin'

There was a strange and reptitive dream last night.

I was in a truck. It was the cab of a big rig, without any sort of trailer attached. I wasn't driving, but rather I was with somone who knew more than I, it was like she was my teacher, or guide. I'm not sure who she was, other that she reminded me of someone at work, but that's about it. There was someone else with us in the truck, but in the back seat. I think it may have been the blonde. I'm not sure.

So we pulled into a gas station, and I had to fill up the truck. As we were driving to the pumps, another big tanker truck was pulling out, so we had to wait. When he was gone, we drove up to the pumps and I filled the tank. Then somehow there was something going on about a prince and a princess who were trying to escape someone. The prince leapt over a fence? car? and went under the wall. We all ran next door and he was gone! I knew that he'd had an invisibilty cloak with him, but didn't say anything so he wouldn't get caught.

Then I was back in the truck. So we pulled into a gas station, and I had to fill up the truck. As we were driving to the pumps, another big tanker truck was pulling out, so we had to wait. When he was gone, we drove up to the pumps and I filled the tank. Wait. I've seen this before! Well it happened twice. Then I was back in the truck and the driver was pointing out to me that there was tea (I think) in the microwave on the dashboard, and did I want some? The microwave pinged and I the dream ended.

Notes: tea - increased social popularity or taking time in a relationship, contentment
gas station - buying gas here means increased income, though I suspect that there's something about "filling the tank" as well, about getting new energy
truck - comfortable life and improved social standing or community recognition
invisibility - swift and unexpected changes for the better (again!)
microwave - quick thinking, quick action

Friday, April 01, 2005

Back to quiet

Nope, nothing to report last night. All was quiet. Well, you know, there were the usual flitting images, unremembered in the morning light. There was something about a strange old lady cooking salmon for me, and talking about becomming an auditor, but that's about it. See previous dreams for what the salmon means.

Guess no news is good news?