Saturday, April 23, 2005

Swords and watery

Two that I remember at least chunks of from last night.

In the first(?) one, I was somewhere that seemed like a cross between a museum or an art gallery and a kitchen. There was a long hallway and coming down the hallway was a gorilla of a man. He was big, broad, bullet-headed and very very mad. And he was coming for me. In between us was a girl. A beautiful little blonde angel, who reminded me very very much of a young E I've seen in pictures. She was upset, or perhaps injured, with head hung. I was there to defend her, protect her from the gorilla, since she was involved in what he was angry about, but at the same time she was sort of ignoring me.

So there I stood, with sabre in hand, waiting for the arrival of the gorilla and I needed the girl out of the way. So I tapped her in the head with my sword (the flat part, thanks very much). But she kept ignoring me. So I tapped her again a couple of times. Then finally she paid attention. And somehow by then, the gorilla had vanished.

In the second, I was with a Wilfred Brimley type at some sort of Texas outback shack. We were doing something with putting out fires, though what I can't remember. And there was a hose that was spraying water all over the garage floor. I also vaguely remember something with a bed covered in socks and underwear (clean, thankfully). But it's really all a jumble and I'm not sure what to make of any of it.


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