Thursday, April 14, 2005

How'd I do?

Figments and fragments last night.

The one I remember best involved being somewhere and they were giving the marks back. They were posting them on a board in the middle of this room, and there were scads of people milling about. Kids maybe? I can't remember. I think it was almost like a mall in the arrangement of the place. And I think there was a picture window looking out on a green treed yard.

They posted a sheet, and someone said "final marks". I looked at the sheet, a single leaf of orange 8.5x11. I couldn't make heads or tails out of what was written on it. I mean it was english letters and numbers, but it didn't make any sense. All I could see was that nothing lept out to say it was me or mine and I wondered if that meant I'd failed in some way. But failed what I'm not sure. On the whole it didn't make much sense overall, and I wonder if it was just some sort of anxiety dream, especially since it's all so hazy and I could barely remember it when I woke up. I usually relate the importance and "reality" of the dream to how vivid it was and how well I retain it. I still remember the figure from the KKV dream. Clear as day. And E in the bedroom. Just like it was last night's dream. So yeah, I'll class this one as "foggy" and "faded".


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