Monday, April 11, 2005

Sex and snow

The first of two dreams I remember from last night, was really quite disturbing.  I was going to bed with my ex-wife.  And when I say "going to bed", I really mean, "going to have sex with".  The funny part is that it wasn't really a dream about sex.  There was no "feeling" associated with it, no physical aspect at all (if that makes any sense), it was purely mental.

We were together, and both naked, and we started foreplay, but at the same time we were talking.  I don't honestly remember what we were talking about, but I do remember that the more we talked the less happy she got.  She seemed to be enjoying the physical aspect of things, but the mental was definitely making her not at all happy.

It was then that I noticed that the door was open, and I could see my parents in the other room.  They were ignoring us, or couldn't see us, or something, but I could see them sitting on the sofa.  I started adjusting the covers, and I'm not certain but while I was doing that, I think, for just a second, she became S.  Then it all disappeared.

The second involved me being with an actor.  I was somewhere, it was like a deserted mall or something, the location is actually quite vague.  But it was being used as a movie set.  I remember that I'd been talking to this actor earlier and he'd been saying that he wanted to be really really famous.  So famous that he'd have landmarks named after him.  He wanted an "arch" somewhere.  The actor was actually the character Danny DeVito played in "Get Shorty".

Then we were leaving the set together.  He was really really famous.  There were crowds of people around inside the mall.  He was being the "big star" as we walked, but he was saying how empty it was.  Then he said he was going to go over to see his arch (like the Arch De Triumph).

We left the mall, and went out into the parking lot.  It was night, and the world was lit by the orange glow of street lights.  There was snow coming down, lots of it.  A blizzard had started about an hour earlier, and there was already a good accumulation on the ground.  We said good night to each other, and he headed off to his limo which was waiting by the door.  I started out alone across the parking lot toward the car, and as I did, I started crying.

I woke up crying, and calling out for E in my dream.


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