Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sleeping in

I’m not sure how I got there, but it was morning, and I was in E’s bedroom. Or, more accurately, it was the bedroom E was staying in, because it wasn’t her house. Heck it wasn’t my house either, so I’m not sure where it was. I do know it was a lovely, bright, sunny room, painted white, with a big window in behind the bed. And I think there was a desk with a computer off to the left and a bookcase thingy off to the right.

She was lying in bed (on the side near the door) wearing her red pyjamas and reading something, a magazine I think. I climbed in with her and we lay there under the covers. She showed me something from the magazine, which was actually some sort of snide comment with sexual overtones that D had said to her. E was unhappy with the comment, but more in a philosophical way than any real “wounded” sense, and wanted to find out about it. So she picked up the phone and called D’s family to ask.

I was listening on a cell phone, so I heard when she got in touch with the wife of one of D’s older brothers. The woman on the phone seemed somewhat reluctant to talk about it, though she did give the impression of “oh well, that’s the way it is”.

Since E had been showing me something in the magazine, I’d moved closer to her and we were sharing a pillow. While she was talking on the phone she’d been running her fingers through my hair, which was nice.

Then the door opened and my Dad came in. I moved away from E to see what he was doing and to mention that perhaps he might want to knock before coming in. He just went over to the bookcase and started rearranging things, including a very beautiful vase that was on the shelf. Then he left and closed the door behind him and I snuggled back up to E.


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