Thursday, April 21, 2005


I was having an argument. With someone. They kept changing. Sometimes it was S, sometimes it was "someone" (dark hair, that dark haired woman from my former dreams?), then at the end of the dream it was my mom. And really it wasn't an argument, so much as me venting. And ranting, can't forget ranting.

What was I ranting/venting/arguing about? There was something about A for one thing. In the dream he was "gone", but where I'm not sure. It was like he was in limbo. And I was telling S (it was S at this point) that I was willing to go after him, even if she wasn't. I'd give it all up, I said, I'd go to limbo to get him and bring him back, without question and why wasn't she? How did she let him get there in the first place. (aside: I vaguely remember knowing what happened to he'd gotten to Limbo...the dream before perhaps?)

Then it was this other woman, and I was asking her how she could be happy when she hadn't tried it yet. What "it" was, I'm still not sure, but that was my question. Something about if she hadn't been there how could she know and how could she decide. I'm still confused by this bit.

Then she became my mom. And I was asking her something. I don't even remember what. All I remember is her sitting there in her pink housecoat.

And then I woke up...disturbed by it all.


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