Friday, April 15, 2005

Not quite yet

I was at a garage sale, or was it a hobby shop, or was it both? I was there at least, and shopping. I was alone, and I'd driven there from my dingy basement apartment in my car, which was actually my dad's old burgundy Chrystler Valient. It may have been winter, because I was dressed in a heavyish coat and colorful toque of some sort. I may have been in Toronto, but I'm not sure.

I started browsing the aisles and looking for something good for games. There I found a whack of great Star Wars figures, all painted and in scale! But very expensive. Not as bad as $20 dice, but still more than my cheap bastard of a self will pay. As I was going through them I noticed that they seemed to have been marked down a few times, and the thought was that they'd come down further still. When they were cheaper, it would be time to buy. They were almost there, but not quite yet.

Then I was outside, crossing a parking lot. I think it was the one behind the Rogers at Bank and Hunt Club. As I walked I saw E go by on the sidewalk. I didn't say anything, she didn't see me. She looked a bit different from what she does now (and here), but still beautiful. I watched her go, and then she realized the bus was coming, so she turned around and ran back the other way to catch the bus (yeah right! I know E doesn't run for buses! Neither do I...) and I just watched her go.

The only commentary is that it looks like "the price" is coming down. Going to be time to buy soon I think.


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