Monday, April 25, 2005


I was with my mom, and we were getting a diagnosis for her. I was so glad, because it was a long long time coming, and now we'd finally be able to put a name to whatever it was she had. The doctor was able to give us a name to her problem, and talked about how much trouble she has, how tough it is, how much pain she's in constantly. I had a new admiration for my mother, and the difficulty she'd been through. To show my appreciation I was taking her somewhere.

We then met up with her long lost brother. He was described to me that way, not as my uncle but as her brother. The word uncle never even entered my thoughts. So mom talked with him and had a nice visit. I think it was at a picnic table we were all sitting and talking. Mom felt much better, having seen her brother, and talked to him, and together they decided on something though I'm not sure what it was. I know it was good.

Then someone came over and played with a switch on a thing on the wall, which turned on the air conditioning. He then tried to pass between two chairs, but couldn't so he turned around and went another way. We all thought it was very strange, until we felt the cool air from the conditioner (all outside of course) and then we were more comfortable.

We got up and started walking. Mom and her brother parted ways and he wandered off with a wave. We kept walking and I saw a small grove of trees, a tiny forest really. I recognized it from my childhood. I wanted to go walk the forest, but couldn't just yet. And then I was just overcome with the fact that I was with mom again, and it was so nice. I started crying, and woke up.


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