Sunday, April 24, 2005


There was a dream last night that seemed to be continuing. I say this because it started out, I woke up at one point (I think A woke me up) and then I went back to sleep and it was on again.

It was more of a movie type dream than a participatory type dream. I was watching an adventure taking place, but a real adventure, not a film one. And I was "there" in person if that makes any sense. The adventure I was watching was the X-men fighting -- someone. I have no idea who. And now that I think about it, I think I was a participant as well. I seem to remember that I was Wolverine. I seem to remember extending my claws and cutting someone free. I think it was one of those ones where it dodged back and forth between me watching and me being. Anyway, we were fighting, and I was (sometimes) Wolvie, and we were really knocking heads. The villians were all human, and I remember practically nothing about where we were fighting either, but I suspect it was some sort of house.

I also remember watching my favorite X-girl knock heads too. Rogue was at her punchiest best, floating in mid-air and bashing bad guys. She was always my favorite, and she was everything my dream that I could have hoped for. Beautiful, strong, agressive, intelligent. And I knew that we were a team. We were working together, in concert, toward a common goal and an common end.

Hmm, and an analysis? Why did I have and then remember this dream? I suspect that it wasn't really the X-men. I actually think (and I realize this may be a bit of a stretch here, but bear with me), I think that it was really E and I. The whole team thing felt right. The fact that Rogue has always been an image of beauty for me, like E. And at the same time, Rogue is also fragile, injured, she's someone who has problems (I guess you could class them as medical?) that really effect her to her core, but she doesn't let them get her down. She's able to work past them, through them, and in the dream was using them to distinct advantage. See, it all reminds me of E.

And okay, I'll be the first to admit that the image of me as Wolverine is downright comical. He's long been a favorite of mine as well, but I mean, c'mon, there's no way in hell that's me. Just the idea gives me a giggle. Physically at least. Character wise, however, I can see some similarities. Wolvie is Canadian (ok, there's lots of us, I know, but it's true!) and he can take great pain and hurt, and keep fighting, keep going. He's also someone who feels alienated but just about the whole world. He feels like he's alone, that there's no one and nothing in the world that can understand. Well, almost nothing and no one. Except for Rogue. I remember back in the day when I was an avid reader (the good days for X-Men) he and Rogue got on because they understood each other and worked well together.

Okay, I'm sure that all sounds crazy, but it's all I can think of. And why did I have it? What's it trying to tell me? I have no idea. That Wolvie and Rogue are knocking heads and that the team is strong? We're gonna defeat the bad guys? I hope so.


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