Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Last night, the thing I can remember was starting on a bus. I was on a bus, in the evening, with my blonde companion, and we were travelling somewhere. Turned out to be in Los Angeles, because we went past a building that the ladies behind us commented on being the "only synagogue in LA". It was a big building in art deco style and lit by orange floodlights. We drove on for a while and I moved forward on the bus to sit at the front. The bus had stopped and my friend the bus driver was kissing his wife as she took over the driving of the route. We went one more stop and then my companion and I got off.

Where we got off was a residential area. There was a whack of teens sitting on a lawn of an old house. Nearby was a van, parked with the back doors open. We climbed in somehow thinking it was like a bus, but inside were all these children. They were Mexican or maybe East Indian, and they were all handcuffed together and to the floor with black handcuffs. There was a woman driving the van, and I was going to jump her, but my companion said it was dangerous, maybe she had a gun. I looked around, and could see that there was scrap between the kids and the door, so obviously she'd been hiding them, and she was going to sell them into slavery. I had to do something. So I lept! I landed right on her (in the driver's seat) and stopped the van, capturing her for right and goodness. She turned over he keys as the police were taking her away, and I started going through the ring of keys to open all the handcuffs and release the kids.

Then I was at school, where I'd been trying to get to the whole time (I guess). And I was getting my assignment. I'd volunteered to do an essay with a more difficult topic than the other students. There were a few of us, and mine was the third topic to come up. I'd gotten "Rush in Asia". I had to do an essay on what the band Rush would've been like had they been from Asia. And the teacher went to great lengths to explain some of the things I should think of when writing this essay. I have no idea about the rest of it, but I do understand this bit belive it or not. I'm not 100% (I mean Rush??) but I undrestand enough I think. And I understand where the lesson is leading....


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