Monday, August 29, 2005

Buyin' things that go *bang*

I was at Loblaws. To buy explosives. I’d bought them once already, but now I needed to buy more. I don’t know why, I don’t think I’d used the first set, but they were gone somewhere, so I needed more. There I was, wondering the aisles looking at the shelves and locked cabinets labelled with what was inside (bullets, drugs, all sorts of neat and dangerous stuff).

Finally I found the one with the hand written tag “explosives”. Now I just needed someone to open it for me so I could buy what I needed. I know all my paperwork was in order, and I was legitimately entitled to buy the stuff. I guess I found someone, because the next thing I knew I had my needed explosives and was back “home” from my shopping trip.

Home was somewhere strange…I opened the door, and my ex’s parents were sleeping in the “living room”, which was actually like a striped durbar tent. Her dad woke up and asked me what time it was. I looked at my watch, a nice old pocket watch with big Roman numerals on it, and saw the time was 9:20. I told him so and then went into my room of the “tent”.

When I went in there things changed again, and I was now in an army medical recovery ward (in a tent, like MASH). There were all these WWII style uniformed soldiers there to recover and I was one of them. The whole scene was reminiscent of the brainwashing scenes from the original Manchurian Candidate. I was there being talked to by a doctor who was telling me I’d been injured (shot?) nine times in fourteen days (there’s that nine again). He also said I had something inside that I had to “pass through” or get out before I could be totally healed (and in my mind I got the image of a wad of paper, like it was lodged inside me somewhere and needed to get out).

I suspect I know what a bunch of this pertains to.


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