Back from hiatus!
Yeah, I's been a while. All I really have to say is that the dreams never stopped. Honest.
This one (these ones?) are from a couple days ago.
In one, I was at work and a girl I used to know in public school was my manager. But she was announcing that she was leaving and wouldn't be my manager any more.
In a second one, someone was coming to visit. I don't know who it was, but it was someone, and I was waiting excitedly for their arrival. When they did show up, it was getting dark and they'd come in a moving van, and three friends from public school were moving stuff into the house (though not the house I'm in now). One of the three (the last one I saw) was my first girlfriend. I distinctly remember saying "hi" to her, and she said "hi" back.
I have no idea where my public school people are coming from...somewhere I guess but I couldn't tell you where....
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