Sunday, May 08, 2005

Old clothes and radio contests

I remember walking. It was down by Toronto's waterfront, though it was like no waterfront in Toronto I remember seeing. I walked along, seeing old Victorian rail bridges, and old brick buildings, fallen into disrepair. Far from being ruins however, they were beautiful. I remember seeing one building that was surrounded by lush green trees, with a big pool of clear, cool water. I vaguely remember seeing myself, or knowing myself, wearing a Victorian suit, a black frock coat and a tall top hat.

Then I was in a meeting of some sort. I think I may have been chairing it, or else I was just in charge of the clothes. I was handing out roles to the folks around the table, and the clothes that went with them. They were again all Victorian clothes, military, civillian, religious. There was one there for me, and it was like a "governor" type role and coat. It was black and trimmed in black fur with a black cloth "crown" built in. The crown was a real crown too. It looked like a royal crown. I put the coat on, and it turned out to be a shoulder length cape-style coat. I marveled at how this could ever have kept anyone warm! But I was comfortable in it.

Then I was in the grocery store. I was in Ottawa, and I was reading something about how the CBC was going to carry Q107 from Toronto on the radio for a time on sundays. I told M, the girl I work with and who is also from TO, about it. At the same time I was on the phone to the radio station and they announced on the radio that I'd won a Macintosh. I was really happy to have won, but wasn't totally sure that it was me who'd won, even though I knew I had.

I have no idea what to make of any or all of this....


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