Thursday, May 11, 2006

Change of leader

Okay, chalk up another leader. We've changed PMs here, and so of course I needed to have a dream about the new man in power. Thanks for dropping by Mr. Harper.

In this one, we were travelling somewhere together. I'm not sure where, but it seemed fairly casual. He was driving my car, and I was driving another car. For some reason he let the battery run down and I told him off for it. Something along the lines of "whenever I let you drive my car, you always run the battery down. Geez, what's your problem?" It was in good natured fun, and he took it that way, with a stoic embarassment.

I don't remember much else. But I find it so strange that I keep dreaming of leaders. Why? I'm with them in the dreams, but it's never anything serious or meaningful. Just me with them. I have no idea what to make of this stuff.


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