Monday, February 27, 2006

The Source

I think that this dream from last night is actually a view from another place, a snapshot of another universe, to give me a glimpse of how this whole story would be unfolding under different circumstances.

I was working in a store, The Source, to be precise...y'know the one that used to be called Radio Shack. In this place I think it was still called Radio Shack. I was working there as a sales clerk, but it was a slow day and so I was spending my day doing some sort of artwork. Well, cartooning. As I was working, I saw my former manager where I am now (the one who disapproved of my lifestyle) going in to a meeting with someone in the office. I quickly made sure it looked like I was working when I saw him go past, but it didn't really matter since he wasn't my manager anymore, though he was now a department head or something for another store. When he was gone, I went back to cartooning.

I kept flipping back and forth between the store and some sort of post-officey place that I was decorating. In there I was putting green on the walls (as trim), using a honking giant pen. It seemed to be somehow related to the Radio Shack, but not. I'm not sure what to make of it. The post office reminded me of the SSA office in Los Angeles.

Back at the Radio Shack I watched the (former) manager depart his meeting and ignore me again. I went back to my picture because I needed to get it done. I was taking it with me when I went at lunch to see E. It was for her, or maybe just to show her, but it was important that she see it. I was taking her that and an job appliation for her to fill out. I think she was thinking about switching her job, to come work at Radio Shack with me. She was currently working in a different store in the mall, but wasn't happy with her job there. We would see each other regularly at lunch, but the idea of us working together was just too cool.

I'm not sure what I am to take from all this...except that maybe the same circumstances could (would?) be playing out in a variety of situations and lifestyles, for E, for me, for a variety of people in this world and life. The green too is interesting, since it ties in to the astrology book I'm reading that advocates the use of green highlighter to indicate important aspects. So is there an important aspect here? Something to do with E switching jobs? Or is it to highlight the importance of astrology in the whole picture? I don't know the answers to this, but the whole experience was quite neat, in a bizzare sort of way. It was sort of like opening a window and peeking into a somewhen else, and seeing both the familliar and the strange at the same time.


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