Monday, December 12, 2005

What kind of cereal am I?

Why I'm a fruit loop of course!

And this will prove it...

Okay...I guess the place to start would be by reading this.

Now when I wrote this I'd not been to Dr G's Centerpointy office, I'd only seen him at the hospital. While I was sitting in his waiting room on Friday, however, the thought suddenly struck me...wait, I've dreamed about this. I remembered nothing of the dream's details, only that I'd seen him and that it seemed to have been in this environment.

When I did get in to see him, he had his laptop open on his desk and showing some sort of brain/spinal image on the screen. I didn't really think a lot of it at the time. And there was no "other doctor" there.

I was driving home after the appt, and thinking yup, I think I dreamed this, because like I said in the blog entry, it was night and snowy out and all that jazz. I remember when I dreamt it that I wondered why I was driving alone. Crossing Baseline though, I thought, no, this isn't the same, I'm not out in the country. Then I turned up Moodie and onto Timm road. Timm runs through the Stony Swamp and is *very* rural. It's like you're out in the middle of nowhere. That's when it really struck me...this is where i was driving. After getting back, I picked up A and we went to McD's for supper (with the neighbour's kids).

Okay, no it's not exact...but it just seems so close...It's been on my mind ever since.


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