Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Third World Leader

I think I can class it officially as a trend. Way back you may remember a dream of me driving Paul Martin around. Last week there was another one on a similar vein. In that one I had been invited to the White House.

I was invited through the auspices of my wife, who was neither S nor E it would seem, though she was a white girl, but she also pretty much vanished when we got to our destination. I drove into a parking lot that had far more in common with my high school than the US Presidential mansion and parked. We walked over to the door, which was an underground driveway/portico type thing. The door was unassuming with a plain brass doorbell button and a sign. The sign read "do not ring this bell. If you're meant to come in you'll know." I hesitated (of course) but the wife said something to the effect of "well we're invited" and threw open the door. I half expected secret service agents, but no, we went up into a lovely living living room where Mr and Mrs. Bush were along with several other well to do hangers-on. I shook hands with the first couple, Laura saying "of course come in, come by any time, just walk in".

There was a beautiful view from the picture window wall in the living room. It was a view of a green rolling meadow with a jewel lake that reflected back brilliant white sunlight from it's dappled surface. There was a change in the dream at that point and it somehow changed to a murder mystery of some sort, with a little person who was almost a doll that was injured and I needed to go for help. I ran outside, down the stairs and onto the dock. I leapt into the lake to swim for help on the far shore. John S was swimming there also and was helping me somehow. It was like swimming in molasses, it was such tough going, but swim I did. The a current got me and almost swept me past the other dock, but I got there. There was another house where I could get help. End of dream.

Then last night, I met my third world leader. This time there was a ceremony of some sort going on. I was in a little room with a bunch of people, all formally dressed, in military style clothing. There was a desk or tables or something in the room and I remember national flags, though I think they were really Red Ensigns. My neighbour Andrew was there, in his modern military uniform (that incongruously included a white rugby shirt with a Union Jack collar). I was in some sort of red military coat. A military band came in the door, it was only three guys actually, that were playing a trumpet, a fife and a drum. When they stopped someone told them their meal was in the "usual place" and they left. Then the main party we were waiting for came in. It was someone I thought of as the Queen's mother, but in reality it was the Queen. Strangely enough it wasn't Elizabeth II, but someone else, though she looked right Queenly anyway.

Her Majesty passed down the line of us greeting everyone. I bowed when I was presented. She passed on to the governor General next who was beside me, but the GG's teenaged daughter refused to bow or curtsy or anything, and there was a protocol kerfuffle.

Then I was giving a demonstration for the royal personage, along with Andrew. It was an explosives demo of some sort. I was tossing out a charge on a line that kept coming back, I was afraid it was going to blow me up, but in the end it all worked out fine. Then we were demoing some sort of expansion system. I was setting off the charges and Andrew was reading the narration with it. It started with a small charge like a tent peg, that shot out a larger thing that looked like a bullet that shot out a larger thing that looked like a little truck. That would then explode (normally) but not here since it was a demo. I played with it a bit after, and the truck folded up like a plastic bag. It was weird.

And just to make all this that much stranger...S had a dream last week (a couple days after my White House dream) that she met the Queen. How odd is all that?

Update! Oooo, now add in this nifty bit o info...I just found out that Andrew is right now, at this minute actually in Afghanistan doing his thing. Significant? I have no idea....


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