Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Multipart Musing

This was a dream that lasted all night, and restarted a few times after breaks. That happens to me quite rarely, so I was quite surprised. Anyway, on with the show.

I was filming a documentary. It was a movie about these underprivileged, or perhaps repressed people in some unnamed Asian country (N Korea maybe?). But it rapidly transformed into me filming the escape of these two from their captors by going over a waterfall. They went without even a barrel. And then they climbed out on the other side, showed off their t-shirts to the camera and disappeared into the populous.

I went back to my filming, trying to pretend that I hadn’t been involved, hoping to sneak my footage out of the country. But I’d been discovered. We, that is me and my crew, were all put into this courtyard where we were to be harangued by a military type about breaking the rules. What I knew, instead, was that we were to be killed. Somehow I got everyone marching, and even though they were marching in different directions and different speeds and all that, it made everything okay. I remember I was quick-time marching through deep snow, with a division behind me. Because I could outpace them, we were to be saved.

(woke up here – A made some noise)

I picked up again with more filming. I was shooting a segment in some sort of military hospital/prison. The people there were all prisoners of war, and they were all Americans. They were also all elderly. I specifically remember seeing a woman in a Naval officer’s uniform, who had to be about 75.

It starts to get hazy here. There was something about a fire escape, and going into the jungle. Then there was a bit about erasing the video tapes, because I was damned if they (the government) were going to get my footage. I think I was awakened at least once more in here too.

It was such a busy night, I didn’t feel like I’d slept a wink.


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